Sentences with phrase «analytical errors»

The analysis of these data is subject to significant analytical error.
Sure, sometimes it just boils down to tough luck, but usually it's due to simple analytical error and / or the consequences of fear & greed.
It follows that value investors seek a margin of safety, allowing room for imprecision, bad luck, or analytical error in order to avoid sizable losses over time.
While not inclined to disagree too strenuously with the bulk of the post, I think the second - to - last paragraph commits the same analytical errors which lie behind the failure of public image - enhancement campaigns — both are predicated on a misunderstanding of why lawyers are not well - liked.
«It's a lazy but common analytical error to confuse healthy demand for a product or service with the incumbent providers» entitlement to supply it,» says Bruce MacEwen, president of U.S. legal consulting firm Adam Smith, Esq..
CAMBRIDGE, MA — A new analysis of two recent reports, one by a committee of the National Academy of Science's National Research Council (NRC), the other by Alan Ginsburg, a former director of Policy and Program Studies in the U. S. Department of Education, finds that both reports made factual and analytical errors in their examination of the record of Michelle Rhee as Chancellor of Schools for the District of Columbia from 2007 - 2010.
Gould reexamined Morton's data on cranial capacity variation in modern human populations and concluded that Morton had selectively reported data (see Box 1), manipulated sample compositions (see Box 2), made analytical errors, and mismeasured skulls in order to support his a priori views on intelligence differences between human groups.
The Veep added: «We expected that if they were smart, they would have corrected the analytical errors in the lectures that led to their manifesto, because they've come to the wrong conclusion, which are not justified by the data and the facts.
«My «reputation» is the result of the fact that I am the person who discovered the analytical errors in the Old School safe withdrawal rate studies back in May 2002.
Juicy Excerpt: My claim to fame on the internet is that I am the person who discovered the analytical errors in the Old School safe withdrawal rate studies.
But when you get a foundational point wrong, the analytical errors must be corrected or else all of the strategic recommendations developed from following the implications of the invalid foundational point will be in error.
The Great Mistake ended up tarnishing this breakthrough when people became wedded to it and obstinate about acknowledging the analytical error.
I'm always interested in discovering how it comes to be that people believe things that are not so because those discoveries often point to fundamental analytical errors and corrections of fundamental analytical errors often generate big pay - offs.
That was the state of play prior to the rise in popularity of the Passive Investing concept, an approach to understanding how stock investing works that is the root cause of the analytical errors in the Old School studies.
And there are the statistical / analytical errors — again, you don't need to have a PhD in biology to pick this stuff out.
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