Sentences with phrase «analytical way»

I approached this last recipe in a more analytical way.
You need to put the observations in a complete analytical way.
«Real artists paint things not as they are, in a dry analytical way, but as they feel them,» he told a fellow artist.
«But, from what we understand about the brain, the leap of faith to belief in the supernatural amounts to pushing aside the critical / analytical way of thinking to help us achieve greater social and emotional insight.»
For example, in Switzerland, you will surely learn to do your research in a very analytical way, working cleanly and methodically.
Golpin (2014) writes: being able to follow programming logic trains the mind to think in more analytical ways.
For example, say you initially loved your partner's deliberate, analytical way of thinking because it helped you organize your own unwieldy thoughts and helped you make logical decisions.
My atheist friends who are emotional and highly sensitive react in awe to the beauty, mystery and complexity of nature, whereas my atheist friends who are cerebral dissect «nature» in a much more detached and analytical way.
Researchers tested 660 subjects and found a clear correlation between high smartphone use and lower cognitive skills, especially «the willingness to think in an analytical way
When it comes to educating the workforce of the future about data skills, today's advanced technology goes hand in hand with a new mind set: an analytical way of thinking.
This will allow them to engage students in the learning experience and, most importantly, to proactively predict what students might be doing with the materials teachers are providing them in more analytical way.
This way of thinking may be a different, more analytical way to approach the complex act of teaching than we are used to, but it soon becomes a more nuanced and targeted way to plan and teach, and by increasing the teacher's expertise, real student learning results!
What do the dreams say about Gloria, that she herself in her analytical way, has not figured out?
The article gives a analytical way to predicting the turn around, but like all tools there is not fool proof way to predict and there are quite a few occassions when it would go wrong.
My basic point is that I think there are some ideas ingrained in many of us that are outdated and cloud are ability to think about mortgage debt in an analytical way.
Mabry's sculptures typically evoke a poignant humor and notions of high - and low - brow aesthetics, merging the two in a jocular yet analytical way.
The TEEB analysis is correct in an analytical way, but at the same time feeds into a non-holistic mindset where everything is a commodity and substitutable.
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