Sentences with phrase «analyzing huge amounts of data»

Using a sophisticated algorithm, the automated trading software will analyze a huge amount of data to predict changes in the market and to determine the best possible investment opportunities.
Despite their exciting potential to uncover human rights abuses, technologies that collect and analyze huge amounts of data can also infringe on other human rights.
So technology has advanced to the point where it's now possible not only to analyze the huge amounts of data that are being generated in new ways, but to also go back and look at the large of amount of data that has been generated in the past and look at it through a different lens.

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By signing up with one of them, you will save a huge amount of time on researching and analyzing market data; this will allow you to focus solely on making smart trades that lead you to consistently making profit.
The huge amount of raw data generated is automatically analyzed, and precisely quantified by new image - analysis software called MoMA.
«You can analyze huge datasets in an instant and experiment with the fast - evolving world of open source bioinformatics software as well as the vast amount of publicly available data from previous studies.»
The rising use of smartphones, computers, and other personal devices is creating huge amounts of data, making it possible to track and analyze potential threats.
A wearable device can monitor the number of calories you burn during the day; but as technology advances, doctors might able to analyze huge amounts of anonymized data to make advancements in healthcare advancements medical care bout populations of people, helping them advance medical care.
With the huge amounts of data collected through Facebook analyzing the likes, posts, and comments of its users, the loss of this data should not be noticeable to... (continued)
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