Sentences with phrase «anathema to most»

Opening another virtual door to the household's online life and handing children the keys is anathema to most parents.
Eliminating pre-existing condition protections is anathema to most people, as that protection tends to be one of the most popular ACA provisions.
When I joined the solicitors profession in 1974, advertising was an anathema to most lawyers.
In North America, the most promising attribute of cap and trade is that it is not a tax, and thus not instantly anathema to most of us from the outset.
Vouchers are popular with the Republican majority on Capitol Hill but anathema to most Democrats.
Alabama Sen. Doug Jones delivered his maiden speech on the Senate floor on Wednesday, tackling a topic that would seem anathema to most Southern Democrats — gun control.
In 2011, Carvalho helped implement a merit pay system — considered anathema to most teachers union officials, including Weingarten — that tied raises to teachers» evaluation scores and provided bonuses for highly effective teachers.
The middle ground is anathema to most of you, which is quite unfortunate because in most cases the middle ground saves lives.
Bryan himself was a champion of the common man, and had actually supported two of the ACLU's earlier campaigns against threats to individual liberty» superpatriotism during World War I and cutthroat capitalism afterward» but the Scopes Trial and the subsequent treatment of it made him anathema to most of the liberal bien pensant left.
However, I am going to suggest something counter-intuitive and even an anathema to most atheists (and indeed most Americans).
Obviously, Hanauer's position is anathema to most of his fellow billionaires.

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This is an extension of the efforts to remove older anathemas except that most second and third generation Protestant churches have never formally condemned any historic ecclesial body.
But that whole mindset is anathema to many, I suspect most non-believers.
Ron Paul, like most Libertarian - minded folks I've met over the years, is a natural political purist — horse - trading for votes is anathema to him.
State takeover would strip de Blasio of most of his power over low - performing schools, which the mayor has argued would be anathema to the system of mayoral control.
This poses a problem for the Paleo dieter who relies on unprocessed whole foods for nutrition and avoids the very foods most commercial protein powders are typically derived from such as soy, peas, whey and rice (not to mention that protein powders are highly processed — an anathema to the Paleo set.)
Reichardt's cinema — with her precise eye for quietness and the signs of everyday sorrow — is not for every viewer, and her penchant for mapping the ordinary at its most melancholic will be anathema to moviegoers who prefer a gratifying, conclusive emotional payoff.
As a case in point, my most conservative client — a gentleman so risk averse that even the possibility of a 10 % peak - to - trough loss was anathema to him — informed me in January that he would be closing his accounts with me because I refused to aggressively buy tech stocks and Bitcoin on his behalf.
What is most always an obvious need for pets, the water dish, is usually an anathema in a desert tank — it tends to keep the cage too humid and just seems to muss up everything.
When the phone rings most folks move to answer it — which is why answering machines were such a blessing for some and anathema to others.
It's no wonder innovation is anathema within most law firms: it's antithetical to the law firm's foundational business premise.
[T] he assertion of a private form of eminent domain — the «one - to - one transfer of property» for private rather than public benefit — remains anathema in most legal traditions.
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