Sentences with phrase «anatomical changes in»

The current model in neuroscience poses that memory is stored as long - lasting anatomical changes in synapses, the specialized structures by which nerve cells connect and signal to each other.
Scientists not involved in the study noted that not only is it the first to demonstrate widespread anatomical changes in the pregnant human brain, but that it goes further by showing that the changes last for at least 2 years.
Using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the research team also found anatomical changes in the brains of children whose reading abilities improved — in particular, a thickening of the cortex in parts of the brain known to be involved in reading.
«We can still see anatomical changes in the brain [in the elderly], which is very encouraging news for aging.
Her work is used in the assessment and detection of functional and anatomical change in the human brain through the course of Alzheimer's disease.
The sturgeon finding is just one result in a wide - ranging study of the rates of species formation and anatomical change in fish.

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At present, and based on what we know of the genetic regulation of development, these phenotypic changes in the gut are most likely the result of positive genetic changes in the genetic regulatory pathways controlling the development of the relevant anatomical features, i.e. they are novel positive, heritable genetic features producing a specific and functional novel anatomical structure within the Genus.
There are sections on proper nutrient during pregnancy, thorough explanation of prenatal care and a very in depth discussion of the many anatomical and physiological changes of the pregnant body with therapeutic applications.
Highly trained and educated instructors cater to the anatomical, hormonal, and muscular changes which occur normally in the pregnant body by creating sequences which lessen discomfort so students feel better after each class.
We are now beginning to understand some facets of human emotionality, decision - making, morality, trauma and the drive for political power down to the cellular level, by observing changes in neurochemistry, neural pathways, and neuro - anatomical transformations in the brain.
The scientists measured all the small changes in the bones and teeth of 904 placental fossils and mapped the anatomical differences between species on the tree of life.
In 2007 and 2010, other researchers found evidence that the brains of symptomatic veterans showed distinctive anatomical changes.
Such changes, Li and colleagues suggested while reviewing a number of related studies, are consistent with anatomical changes that can occur in the brain as a result of learning a second language, no matter the age of the learner, as they reported in a recent issue of Cortex.
It was Charles Darwin who coined the term «living fossil» to describe extant creatures, such as the gar (another Great Lakes resident) and the lungfish, which have been present for many millions of years in the fossil record yet appear to have undergone very little anatomical change.
In work published last year, the team sequenced selected DNA regions of 38 cactus species and concluded that modern Pereskia actually represents two evolutionary groups, one of which probably split off from the rest of the cacti before they had undergone their dramatic anatomical changes.
Based on the CT based anatomical observations in probainognathians, it appears that the MSX2 gene underwent a significant change in its expression 240 - 246 million years ago and triggered the evolution of many typical mammalian traits including hair and whiskers, an enlarged cerebellum, complete ossification of the skull roof, and more importantly, the mammary glands, that define mammals today.
«We have successfully used cinnamon to reverse biochemical, cellular and anatomical changes that occur in the brains of mice with poor learning,» Pahan said.
Dr. Rigotti comments, «In any case, this is the first study presenting clinical evidence showing skin rejuvenation after fat grafting and highlighting the anatomical and structural changes that are the basis of this rejuvenation.»
Chan says, «It was important to recapitulate progressive changes in clinical measurements, such as cognitive behaviors and neural anatomical changes as the Huntington's disease monkeys age.
For more than a decade, he has pioneered ways to study these difficult - to - reach Arctic whales, and he and his colleagues now describe in the April Anatomical Record that narwhals can detect changes in water salinity using only their tusks.
The rest of the complex anatomical changes that are observable in human evolution are subsumed under one heading: pathology.
Thus, anatomical brain changes may contribute to specific cognitive deficits associated with very preterm birth and could be used in the identification of those individuals who may be at increased risk for cognitive impairment.
These benefits are especially important for the prenatal population, as certain anatomical changes of pregnancy (e.g., change in center of gravity, joint laxity, etc.) are known to precipitate negative effects on the pregnant body.
However, since PCSA is expected to increase to a greater extent than anatomical cross-sectional area because of the compensatory effects of pennation angle, this is likely a function of methodological weaknesses rather than any failure of resistance - training to produce meaningful changes in PCSA.
Brain imaging research has revealed anatomical and functional changes in typically developing readers as they learn to read (e.g. Turkeltaub et al., 2003), and in children and adults with dyslexia following effective reading instruction (Krafnick, et al., 2011; Eden et al., 2004).
The OFA radiograph documents anatomical abnormalities (shallow sockets, early bony - changes), but only natural laxity in a hip - extended view.
Complicated: caused by a problem that needs to be changed in your cat such as something that is wrong with your cat's body (anatomical problem) or other problems that can cause bacterial infection such as kidney failure (renal), hyperadrenocorticism or diabetes mellitus.
The evolution of anatomical adaptations in the hominids could not have kept pace with these abrupt climate changes, which would have occurred within the lifetime of single individuals.
Which is the difference between CO2 levels and fertilizer levels, and again strongly argues for considering CO2 a plant hormone, or at the very least hormone - like, especially when taken with the types of anatomical and physiological changes seen in various of the studies and sources cited, that are typical of hormonal shifts, not of diet changes.
Even in your framework, which falls apart as none of these causes gross physiological and anatomical changes other than morbid obesity and high blood pressure, is morbid obesity considered healthy?
Evaluating changes in brain morphology related to autism and possibly depression (Anatomical Research).
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