Sentences with phrase «anatomical features»

"Anatomical features" refers to the different parts or characteristics of a living organism's body, both internal and external, that contribute to its structure and function. Full definition
Now an analysis of thousands of anatomical features of modern and extinct mammals, as well as molecular sequences from living species, is helping them to do just that.
Later work confirmed that birds share dozens of anatomical features with theropods, and are especially similar to two families, the dromaeosaurs (including deinonychus) and troodontids.
«There is a combination of anatomical features in the skeleton that simply aren't found in any form of Homo sapiens.»
Instead of focusing on the pelvic bone, Baron and his team analysed 457 characteristics of 74 species and found that 21 other anatomical features divide the dinosaurs differently.
Previous research based on anatomical features hypothesized that butterflies are close relatives of large moths, but the new tree suggests butterflies are more closely related to small (micro) moths, Kawahara said.
Apes and other nonhuman primates do not have these distinctive anatomical features in their hands, and the point in time at which these features first appeared in human evolution is unknown.
A recent study by Allison Tripp of the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada, and Naomi Schmidt of New Mexico State University in Las Cruces demonstrated that female figurines from around 25,000 years ago have bodies of all shapes and sizes, not just the exaggerated anatomical features of the famous «Venuses» (Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia, vol 41, in press).
The ancient toddler shows key anatomical features of A. afarensis, including a shoulder blade midway in shape between that of a human and a gorilla, along with features rarely seen, like a full set of both baby and adult teeth.
Predominately using a limited color palette of black, white and red, ROA painted his creatures with vivid detail, often including anatomical features such as skeletal structures or internal organs.
They concluded that the two factors are correlated with several anatomical features: the Pars Triangularis, for example, was considerably larger in left - handed patients than in right - handed ones.
He rejects this hypothesis, reporting that the marks «bear no evidence of healing or callus formation» and are simply normal anatomical features.
Within several million years, this simple ecosystem would disappear, and give way to a world ruled by highly mobile animals that sported modern anatomical features.
The very fact that there are intermediate examples of anatomical features like wings only further validates the evolutionary law of gradualism.
On reflection, these issues arose from birth and could be observed through variable anatomical features, structural asymmetries and this had a direct impact on their behaviour and feeding.
The long period of isolation under these parched conditions gave Bunostegos lineage time to evolve its unique anatomical features.
Smaller than other dromaeosaurids like Deinonychus and Achillobator, the turkey - sized Velociraptor nevertheless shared many of the same anatomical features.
Its mosaic of old and new anatomical features, and its 2 million year old age, raise troubling questions about our understanding of the human evolutionary tree's various branches.
Similarly, without an agreed - upon evolutionary tree, it's hard to know which anatomical features to follow through the tree — such as any that might have helped dinosaurs survive the end - Triassic extinction.
Because most species of tarantula in the United States are very similar in appearance and can not be distinguished from each other using anatomical features alone, the research team implemented a modern and «integrative» approach to taxonomy by employing anatomical, behavioural, distributional, and genetic data.
Brewer calls up a picture of the brain of a person who actually has Alzheimer's, and I see that various anatomical features look as if they are smushed or blurred.
The bones belong to a new species of pleurosaur whose anatomical features weren't fully adapted to water, but were on the way to enabling an aquatic lifestyle.
«Embryology can tell us about the evolutionary relationship between anatomical features in living animals, while palaeontology can pinpoint precisely when these features first appear in deep time.
The study, published in the journal Current Biology, shows that the familiar anatomical features of birds — such as feathers, wings and wishbones — all first evolved piecemeal in their dinosaur ancestors over tens of millions of years.
The new analysis does not yet unseat the hippo as cetaceans» kissing cousin, because it only takes into account anatomical features, not molecular ones, says Maureen O'Leary, a professor in the department of anatomical sciences at Stony Brook University on Long Island, N.Y..
«There are anatomical features present only in Shingopana and in several South American titanosaurs, but not in other African titanosaurs,» said lead paper author Eric Gorscak, a paleontologist at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago.
The new Robojelly design, rolled out this week at the annual meeting of the American Physical Society's Division of Fluid Dynamics, incorporates an unusual anatomical feature: a jellyfish mud flap.
These experiments have helped shatter the century - old belief that memories are an indelible anatomical feature of the brain, says neuroscientist Todd Sacktor, of SUNY Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York.
Although anomalocaridids died out (and thus aren't the direct ancestors of any living arthropod lineage), they likely shared many anatomical features with close relatives living at the time that ended up on the surviving branches of life's family tree, he explains.
This can be done by taking information from the entire set of scans and using it to recreate anatomical features that are missing from other scans.
Once these research - quality images are generated, researchers can then run a set of algorithms designed to help with analyzing anatomical features.
«Numerous anatomical features and behaviors that we have long associated with birds in fact evolved in dinosaurs long before the first birds arrived on the scene,» says Dr. Turner.
Authors David Lordkipanidze, Marcia S. Ponce de León, Ann Margvelashvili, Yoel Rak, G. Philip Rightmire, Abesalom Vekua and Christoph P. E. Zollikofer say significant anatomical features of this skull can be found in earlier fossils assigned to the genus Homo, such as H. habilis, H ergaster and H. rudolfensis, and argue all comprise a single species within the genus Homo, with less variation among them than can be found within contemporary Homo sapiens.
It is also unfortunate that the entire face is missing which, if a hybrid, might have possessed anatomical features characteristic of a Neanderthal face.»
They also work as garbage collectors, chewing up dead cells and molecular debris strewn among living cells — including clusters of a protein called A-beta, notorious for aggregating into gummy deposits called Alzheimer's plaques, the disease's hallmark anatomical feature.
Using a new microscopic technique scientists have identified a previously unknown human anatomical feature.
A: Schematic overview of anatomical features according to cresylviolet staining (shown in B, C and D) and tracing patterns in the thalamus.
The Xenopus laevis offers another oversized anatomical feature: Its large, translucent egg cells.
Lectures 1 and 2: Anatomy of the Sacroiliac Joints covering the history of the SIJ, its relationship to the lumbar spine and hips, and the specific anatomical features that contribute to its stability bias yet paradoxically also allow for small degrees of mobility essential for optimal movement.
That old principle of squash and stretch, preached by Walt's Nine Old Men, is very much on display, especially in Arlo, who despite embodying some real anatomical features (like injured knees that won't properly bend) operates a bit more like TV's «Denver the Last Dinosaur» than The Land Before Time's Littlefoot.
He was born with both male and female anatomical features.
Those with peculiar anatomical features are most far - removed from the wolverine shape and so may be misunderstood.
The work's many layers of discursive play culminate in its symbolic ending, where a prolonged closeup shot of a bee — a longstanding allegorical creature whose diligence enables perfect collective productivity akin to the Capitalist ideal — reveals its hairy and spiky anatomical features, eating from one flower after another until it dies from gluttony.
As it turns out, corals, kelps, sea slugs, sponges, nudibranchs and flatworms all exhibit hyperbolic anatomical features.
These minutiae involved small anatomical features such as notches, nodules or creases in the ear structure.
He compared the Flores bones with those of 10 people who'd had cretinism, focusing on anatomical features that are typical of the disease.
That group includes all dinosaurs but also includes their earlier predecessors and their subsequent kin, which had the same general body plan but didn't have distinctive anatomical features in their hip bones that all true dinosaurs shared.
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