Sentences with phrase «anatomical variations in»

Read the full article, «Aging and anatomical variations in lung tissue stiffness,» published ahead of print in the American Journal of Physiology — Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology.
By comparing data from 206 genetically normal embryos, we have analysed the range and frequency of normal anatomical variations in the heart and major arteries across Theiler stages S21 - S23.
Our brains are hardwired differently, and these anatomical variations in architecture and function illuminate some of the reasons why men and women seem to come from different planets.
This problem can also happen with poor latch and anatomical variations in a baby's mouth, so it's important to have a lactation consultant evaluate your baby and a feeding session to help determine the cause of your nipple pain.

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Using a skills approach, it focuses on normal sucking function in addition to anatomical variations, developmental respiratory issues, prematurity, and mild neurological deficits.
In a new study published in The Quarterly Review of Biology, Dr. Karen Hardy and her team bring together archaeological, anthropological, genetic, physiological and anatomical data to argue that carbohydrate consumption, particularly in the form of starch, was critical for the accelerated expansion of the human brain over the last million years, and coevolved both with copy number variation of the salivary amylase genes and controlled fire use for cookinIn a new study published in The Quarterly Review of Biology, Dr. Karen Hardy and her team bring together archaeological, anthropological, genetic, physiological and anatomical data to argue that carbohydrate consumption, particularly in the form of starch, was critical for the accelerated expansion of the human brain over the last million years, and coevolved both with copy number variation of the salivary amylase genes and controlled fire use for cookinin The Quarterly Review of Biology, Dr. Karen Hardy and her team bring together archaeological, anthropological, genetic, physiological and anatomical data to argue that carbohydrate consumption, particularly in the form of starch, was critical for the accelerated expansion of the human brain over the last million years, and coevolved both with copy number variation of the salivary amylase genes and controlled fire use for cookinin the form of starch, was critical for the accelerated expansion of the human brain over the last million years, and coevolved both with copy number variation of the salivary amylase genes and controlled fire use for cooking.
The hundreds of papers covered everything from variations in the size of specific anatomical structures in rats to the possible roots of male aggression and female empathy in humans.
Authors David Lordkipanidze, Marcia S. Ponce de León, Ann Margvelashvili, Yoel Rak, G. Philip Rightmire, Abesalom Vekua and Christoph P. E. Zollikofer say significant anatomical features of this skull can be found in earlier fossils assigned to the genus Homo, such as H. habilis, H ergaster and H. rudolfensis, and argue all comprise a single species within the genus Homo, with less variation among them than can be found within contemporary Homo sapiens.
All human brains share basic anatomical circuits and synaptic interactions, but the precise pattern of connections and interactions are highly variable from person to person — and therein lies the source of the remarkable variation we see in human behavior — from the breathtaking dance of a ballerina, to the elegant craftsmanship of a master carpenter, to the shrewd judgment of an expert trader.
Primary Glaucoma develops from an anatomical variation that results in decreased drainage of Aqueous Humor resulting in the build - up of fluid inside the eye.
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