Sentences with word «anaylsis»

The report contains an in depth anaylsis of what we learned from the 2011 participants through the focus groups.
Because they are a smaller video game publisher they had few titles in anaylsis, making their data more volatile.
Here Lawyer monthly benefits from an exclusive anaylsis by Matt Jenkins, Head of Consulting at Footdown, who give us the rundown on how and why a plan for digital transformation can mean the difference between living the journey and reaching a destination, for any business.
A study described in a 1996 issue of QJ Med.14 provides an in - depth anaylsis of data from around the world showing an inverse relationship between heart disease rates and a sunny climate and a low latitude.
I'd love to be able to do more anaylsis posts too.
Or maybe we could issue some corrigenda later that somehow still says there's nothing wrong with the original (because so much of statistical anaylsis has improved in the last year).
The CBO anaylsis of the senate bill doesn't group income brackets by percentage but by absolute numbers.
CIHT will be reviewing the statement in more detail and provide some more detailed anaylsis in due course.
«I want to review the proposal, but it's a different anaylsis
This could include measures such as CT scanning, cellular and molecular markers taken from blood samples, sputum and exhaled air and microbiome anaylsis.
Acknowledgements: We thank G. Helt for carrying out database similarity searches; M. Ashburner for advice and support; D. Nakahara, S. Sundby, W.Yu and G. Doughty for help with in situ hybridization mapping of insertion lines and A. Beaton for help with genetic anaylsis.
There is one in my town who charge s $ 300 to a comprehensive anaylsis and puts you on a diet and supplements.
Check out this article for further Achievement anaylsis.
Sepinwall's case shows that authors with a built - in platform and direct communication to his / her readers will be able to forgo the traditional system, especially when it would necessitate turning in a book that would not be timely, for an audience that expects literally current day anaylsis.
Before going into the liquidation value anaylsis, we should look at the debt structure.
You will have first access to all my patron - only adventure updates, design anaylsis posts and prototype progress posts posts.
Just because his scientific anaylsis of climate change is questionable at best, his critique of EPA's cost benefit anaysis — i.e. the effectiveness of the dollars allocated by EPA to tackle the problems of climate change are to be taken seriously.
Improved the guest service department by suggesting a problem solving anaylsis which later increased the scores of the department.
Here I mean really introduce you to a real person, an actual contact — not just dropping your C.V.. Then, even if you don't get a job from the volunteering, you will get good testimonials and useful experience to add to your C.V. Diane is a Professional Coach and Business Mentor with many years experience, specialising in helping clients move forward in their career or their business, through anaylsis, self determination, goal setting and action planning.
Tags for this Online Resume: law, insurance, health, health reform, policy analysis, legal anaylsis, government, health insurance, health care
Search for developable property, negotiate LOI / PSA, prepare feasibility anaylsis, secure entitlements, oversee the design, bidding and construction phase.
A recent meta - anaylsis by Tang et al (44) examined 13 RCTs of probiotics and found a significant cumulative protective effect for the prevention of eczema (RR 0.79; 95 % CI 0.67 — 0.92).
@ Caryn I like the 4 corners argument, but I think there might be something missing in your anaylsis: To wit, the church may no longer be a relevant institution in post-modern (or whatever we are calling it these days) society..
«Our anaylsis suggests that biomarkers like E-cadherin are even more important than tumor size, tumor grade, the presence of estrogen receptors or the age of the patient.»
Thus, your anaylsis uses a simplistic relationship between forcings and temperature, and this is leading you astray.
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