Sentences with phrase «ancestral dogs»

As a result, you can feel confident that your adult dog is getting maximum nutrition in every bowl of this protein rich ancestral dog food.
Blue Buffalo is best known for its use of ingredients that mimic the diet of ancestral dogs.
Its Regional Red formulation is a classic example of what ancestral dogs eat in the wild, something that Boxers and all other be-muscled breeds today can benefit from.
Even though it is true that this is what ancestral dogs ate, these historic canines likely suffered from malnutrition, intestinal parasites and many other health issues stemming from their poor, unoptimized diet.
Ray Coppinger himself avoids words like «friendly» when referring to these ancestral dogs.
As such, ancestral dogs have learned to consume fruits and vegetables as well as grains in order to survive in the wild.
Grains however, are not part of the ancestral dog's diet.
This indicates admixture between the Taymyr wolf population and the ancestral dog population of these 4 high - latitude breeds.
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