Sentences with phrase «ancestral human diets»

By comparing how gut microbes from human vegetarians and grass - grazing baboons digest different diets, researchers have shown that ancestral human diets, so called «paleo» diets, did not necessarily result in better appetite suppression.
(The other major difference we have with Dr. Cordain is his exclusion of starchy foods from a «Paleo» diet, even though starchy tubers have been part of the ancestral human diet for 4 million years.
If you're interested in more of the actual science about why saturated fat can be healthy for you, I have an article below written by a PhD in Nutritional Biochemistry called The Truth about Saturated Fat - it's a must read if you want to understand the science about why saturated fats have been falsely villified and how to enjoy these foods that have always been part of the ancestral human diet.

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With global increase in obesity and diet - related metabolic diseases, interest has intensified in ancestral or «Palaeolithic» diets, not least because — to a first order of approximation — human physiology should be optimized for the nutritional profiles we have experienced during our evolution.
Those who follow a paleo or ancestral diet point out that dairy is a relatively new addition to the human diet and that our systems have not adjusted to handle it yet.
Rather than concluding that the «evolutionary diet» of humans may have been net acid - producing, Cordain, Eaton, and Melvin Konner published an editorial in the same issue of AJCN arguing that the many net acid - producing diets of historic hunter - gatherers resulted from a divergence from the ancestral alkaline diets of prehistoric hunter - gatherers.
Well, yes humans have always eaten small amounts of natural sugars from fruit as part of the ancestral diet, but we've never historically been exposed to the massive amounts of added sugars that we see in today's world of sweetened drinks, candies, cakes, cookies, as well as added sugars in everything from condiments to dressings to tomato sauces.
Proponents of Ancestral diets claim that the human body has never evolved to eat glutinous grains which is why wheat is linked to so many health problems including obesity.
I tell them that eating an ancestral diet works... as long as you are human!
Just like the theory behind the Paleo Diet for humans, protein - based, grain - free dog foods more closely mimics a canine's natural or «ancestral» diet as a carnivore.
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