Sentences with phrase «ancestral lifestyle»

Rob's taken a more historical perspective, looking at different types of human populations and the impact of ancestral lifestyles on microbiomes.
Dan's Plan aims to make it easy to implement a healthy ancestral lifestyle.
Also, these people are living ancestral lifestyles and probably aren't doing what I'm doing atm, surfing the net behind my boss's back, and increasing my cortisol levels LOL.
Primal and ancestral lifestyle expert Mark Sisson says, I find it plausible that feeling the sensation of hunger — true hunger, as arises after a hard workout with very little in your stomach — is worth experiencing on a semi-regular basis.
Persisting high insulin sensitivity among middle - aged and older individuals in non-westernized traditional populations at a time when they still maintained their ancestral lifestyle, such as the African pygmies, the Ainu people of Japan, rural communities in Papua New Guinea, and traditional Pacific Islanders.
My whole journey into the ancestral lifestyle actually began with my husband, Ron.
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