Sentences with phrase «ancestral line»

The phrase "ancestral line" refers to the line of direct descendants in a family, usually traced back several generations. It represents the family members who came before us and passed on their genes, traditions, and heritage to us. Full definition
Merrick Pet Care debuted its new ancestral line for dogs, Backcountry, with dry products that include freeze - dried raw bits.
Dogs have been selectively bred for thousands of years, sometimes by inbreeding dogs from the same ancestral lines, sometimes by mixing dogs from very different lines.
The AKC offers certified pedigrees that state the puppy's ancestral line going back three or four generations.
Around 200,000 years later, a small group from our own ancestral line ventured out of Africa and bred with Neanderthals.
Emma Young dates the oldest known tumour in the human ancestral line — a fibrous dysplastic neoplasm in a Neanderthal...
One of the earliest Chinese references to the Mastiff dates to 1121 B.C. Obviously, modern Mastiffs come from ancient ancestral lines.
Activist artist Bekezela Mguni in front of her installation Ancestral Lines at The Andy Warhol Museum.
Dog breeds can be create by mixing dogs from different lines into a new breed, or by interbreeding dogs from the same ancestral line to enhance certain features.
Indeed one got shot by the husband of a woman that a Romney great grandfather was wooing (she was still married to another but since Romney's ancestral line goes to 1 of the original mormon apostles, he had god on his side till he got shot dead)
Christians are not excused this challenge to faith just because they can point to the ancestral line by which they have inherited the Christian heritage, for the Christian heritage, when examined, is found to start with an act of faith.
Just like mtDNA, the test only identifies your father, his father and many other fathers in his ancestral line for thousands of generations.
(In most parts of the world, data suggest that parents still prefer boys over girls; in China, a major reason is that men carry forward the ancestral line.)
The two groups both estimated the time when the ancestral line that would become Neandertals and the line that would lead to modern humans diverged from a common ancestor: Rubin's group determined it took place roughly 706,000 years ago (with an error range of 468,000 to 1.015 million years); Pbo's number is 516,000 years, with error ranging between 465,000 and 569,000 years.
Jawless vertebrates include the parasitic lamprey and scavenging hagfish: eel - like creatures that diverged from the ancestral line over 400 million years ago.
The theory: Millions of years ago, an ancient human ancestor contracted a retrovirus that inserted its DNA into the host's reproductive germ cells, passing the viral DNA down the ancestral line.
What's more, they claim, the ear tubes present strong evidence that it's an evolutionary cousin to the ancestral line of apes from which humans and living apes derive.
This «chromosomal disorder» is a key feature of the gibbon genome and has probably occurred after their secession from the ancestral line of the apes and humans.
Mutations constitute an incontestable reason for variation, because the ancestral line will tend to have fresh characters starting with the mutate.
In recent times, we have noticed an upsurge in identifying the ancestral line of dogs with the help of dog DNA test kits.
What makes it stand apart from other kits is the fact that it does not stop at tracing back your dog's ancestral line but aims at an overall improvement of your dog's entire life span.
If you have a purebred dog, it becomes even more important to get a DNA test done to understand the ancestral line.
The Old Hemp is attributed with staggering feats and all pure Border Collies alive today can trace an ancestral line back to the wonderful Old Hemp.
A pedigree is simply the dog's ancestral line and is something that all dogs regardless of breed or mixed breed status have.
Dogs and Cat have been selectively bred for thousands of years, sometimes by inbreeding dogs and cats from the same ancestral lines, sometimes by mixing dogs and cats from very different lines.
All pure Border Collies alive today can trace an ancestral line back to one dog, a Border Collie called «Old Hemp» who lived from 1893 - 1901
My ancestral lines are Irish and French Canadian, hence these areas have been the focus of my personal research.
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