Sentences with phrase «ancestral origins in»

The term refers to a panethnic group that includes diverse populations, which have ancestral origins in East.
Studies of early development in fishes show that neural networks in the brain controlling the more complex vocal and pectoral mechanisms of social signalling among birds and mammals have their ancestral origins in a single compartment of the hindbrain in fishes.

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For these researchers, the bursts of demographic expansion caused by climate change in southern Africa were probably key factors in the origin of modern humans» behaviour in Africa, and in the dispersal of Homo sapiens from his ancestral home.
Not surprisingly, a scientist who studies markers for clues to ancestral origin is not a welcome figure in Indian Country.
In the contemporary cultural meaning, the phrase «Western world» includes Europe, as well as many countries of European colonial origin with substantial European ancestral populations in the Americas and OceaniIn the contemporary cultural meaning, the phrase «Western world» includes Europe, as well as many countries of European colonial origin with substantial European ancestral populations in the Americas and Oceaniin the Americas and Oceania.
Though ancestral Boule may have also functioned in oogenesis, our findings that bilaterian Boule homologs tend toward male - biased expression, taken together with the similar spermatogenesis arrest phenotypes in both Drosophila and mouse mutants, supports the model of a common origin of bilaterian spermatogenesis.
To do this, we assume a model in which the ancestral population of the single sample merges with the European tree at a particular branch at a particular time before the date of origin of the sample.
In part 1 of a 3 - part series on raw food diets for pets, Dr. Becker begins the discussion by reviewing the ancestral origins of today's dogs and cats.
For example, Ubbink et al. [7] reported that certain disorders, such as elbow dysplasia and portosystemic shunt, are more likely to be found in dogs of related ancestral origin.
It is the light, the African light, which is like no other, and the colors, the vistas, the vast spaces, the wildlife, and perhaps it is some genetic memory of our communal origins that fires up the neurons in a deep part of our brains when we see our ancestral home.
In a new attempt to explain this loss of body hair I argue that human hairlessness had its origin in the ancestral mother - infant relationshiIn a new attempt to explain this loss of body hair I argue that human hairlessness had its origin in the ancestral mother - infant relationshiin the ancestral mother - infant relationship.
Indigenous rights to their lands and territories have been a concern of international law from its origins in the 16th century expansion of Europe into the New World.24 Today, international law provides strong support for Indigenous peoples» rights to own, control and enjoy their ancestral lands.25 This recognition of the central place of land for Indigenous peoples encompasses in particular the communal nature of such title, and the central significance of spiritual connection to their country.
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