Sentences with phrase «ancient concept»

We've incorporated ancient concepts of nutrition into a modern day relationship with food.
Art as selfless celebration or play is a very ancient concept of art, though it has been rather rare in the West since Goethe and romanticism.
Debt by David Graeber Graeber, an anthropologist, chronicles the history of debt, revealing how ancient concepts of money have influenced our basic ideas of right and wrong.
And ancient concepts of psychology and sociology indicated the head of the group — normally the king — as protagonist in this sociocosmic struggle.
Birth, life, death, rebirth... a very ancient concept.
Democracy — rule by the people — has triumphed in modernity, but it is an ancient concept whose most outstanding early exemplar was the city - state of Athens.
The result of a sabbatical grant from the Templeton Foundation to Celia Deane - Drummond, Professor of Theology and Biological Sciences at Chester University, Wonder and Wisdom takes several steps back from the rather narrow philosophyof ID to examine the relationship between these two ancient concepts.
Instead, (according to Walton), Genesis One concerns functionality, and the seven days relate to what he calls the «Cosmic Temple Inauguration»... ancient concepts that are a bit too complicated for me to tackle here, but which are clearly and concisely articulated in the rest of The Lost World of Genesis One.
The ancient concept of the true church within the visible church seems irrefutable in the shadow of Rwanda's killing fields and the crematories of Auschwitz.
The ancient concept of a «simple sense» of Scripture to be played off against the «fuller sense» and the allegorical sense of the text is obviously over simple, but the concern which it represented is still appropriate.
His vision was like the ancient concept of the organic community that underlay tribalism, feudalism and early American Puritanism, but it expanded the community to include the whole earth.
To «recognise the presence of the parousia» (p. 140) is to get to the real meaning of the word in St Paul: Christ is in us now, and we can only live the Christian life if we are aware of that Presence, which is dynamic, always coming towards us, as in the ancient concept of a King's «advent» or «epiphany» to show that he is with his people.
It's an ancient concept called «Christus Totus,» Latin for «the whole Christ.»
I'm really tired of this ancient concept of God.
Allowing for such changes, Konstan still argues persuasively that the personal intimacy and affection that we today associate with friendship was also part of the ancient concept.
Various studies into this ancient concept have shown that when people look at a picture their eye does not look at the centre first, but usually their eye is naturally drawn to one of the intersection points.
This is a modern continuation of the ancient concept of the wet nurse.
In today's world, the ancient concept of sovereignty survives only in a qualified way.
We're not reinventing the wheel here but we're taking this ancient concept and spicing it up with delicious recipes that make it easy to eat (or drink) healthy!
Far from the realm of esoterica, ancient concepts of physiology and the human experience are now being validated by modern science.
Understanding that problems come about when we somehow interfere with the capability of our bodies to self - correct shifts our perspective from fixing the problem to the ancient concept of prevention.
The artist Mary Reid Kelley's trilogy of videos on the myth of the Minotaur, made in collaboration with Patrick Kelley, frames the difference between the ancient concept of fate and the contemporary belief that suffering is generally the result of one's own bad choices.
Kylin's art utilizes both current media and ancient concepts to contemporize enduring themes.
Further works on display are from the Cut - ups series, the Colourfield paintings cut into strips and reassembled into a new logical entity, the Potato pictures, oval forms, profiles, triangles and rectangles overlapping freely and irregularly, and works from the series of small - format paintings entitled Anima mundi, alluding to the ancient concept of the world soul.
WinSol3 is a fully operational example of not only free (no - cost) living, but also with comfort and appropriate hi - technology toys incorporating several simple and ancient concepts of infrastructure design and operation.
The challenge for the CBA is to consider how this ancient concept which is a fundamental part of the administration of justice should apply and adapt to the changes of the 21st century
Putting a price on harm from work - related injury is an ancient concept, with roots in Sumerian law (approx. 2050 BC).
Although trading currency is nothing new, it certainly feels like an ancient concept being renewed by novel technology.
It is based on the concept of mindfulness, or being fully engaged in the present moment rather than worrying about past or future events, an ancient concept in Buddhist psychology.
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