Sentences with phrase «ancient doctrine of»

It is difficult for us to understand just what is involved in this ancient doctrine of transmigration.
Nevertheless, no one of whom I am aware has quite said that the rejection of the ancient doctrine of divine impassibility has become a theological commonplace.
Theology responded to this new situation by reviving the ancient doctrine of the resurrection of the body.
That is an ancient doctrine of the faith, but too often today people shy away from it and try to mitigate the revealed truth that a religious vocation is more perfect than any secular life can be.
Although this relationship may have originated with the ancient doctrines of servitude, the concept persists today in relationships involving most employees in the typical business situation.

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Is it any wonder the western world hates Muslims and Jews, when you maintain the ancient barbaric doctrines and then believe that it should be part of a modern society?
Indeed, Luther can quite straightforwardly identify the doctrine of justification with the Christological dogma of the ancient Church, as he does in his Sermons on John 6:
@fimilleur from time to time mankind experiences the presence of God, there have been and continue to be events that testify to the presence of Him.The multiple gods you continually point to have an unique difference from the God who first revealed His presence to ancient men i.e. the Hebrews.The particular gods you mention roman etc. are all man made and in many instances men themselves i.e. hercules, but even the ancient greeks realized the limitations of their understanding and included an «unknown» God in their worship structure.many cultures did likewise, having a glimpse of God but not the fullness of understanding that was given to the Jews.Whether or not «we» believe, does not alter the fact that God exists as an unique being, whether or not «we» acknowledge Him «we» will stand before Him.You do not choose to understand, but we are actually standing in His presence right now as He is much bigger than the doctrines and knowledge man ascribes to Him those things you find so questionable are the misconceptions and misrepresentations of God made by men throughout history.
I often struggle with what appear to be misogynistic elements of the Levitical purity codes, of ancient Israeli wartime conduct, of the letters of Paul and the doctrines of the early church.
Consequently, according to Moltmann and others, the only God we can believe in now is a God who suffers, and the ancient Christian doctrines of divine simplicity, immutability, and impassibility must be discarded.
The scholars who study Islamic culture today point out that the chief factors which have influenced contemporary Arab Muslim society are: the Western ideas which penetrated Arab society through education and increased contact with the West, socialist concepts which have spread throughout the world, communist doctrines which challenge religion in general, the expansion of university education, the admission of Muslim women to higher education, the study of ancient and modern philosophy in the universities, and the modern Muslim movements which have been so influential.
Thus the ancient laws and doctrines which remain ever new are contained also in what we have learned in our youth about the life of piety, the Christian family life and the Christian upbringing of children.
Look at history: By Muhammad's doctrine the ancient Arabs became worse instead of better.
There is overwhelming biblical scholarship for the full equality of women and that the interpretation of scripture to exclude women from roles by gender (rather than gifting) has been found to be rooted in patriarchy, an ancient worldview that became intertwined in the growth and doctrine of the church.
It could be argued that the Platonic doctrine of the immortality of the soul was simply a refined and highly sophisticated version of that belief in an after - life which had been widespread in the ancient world in one form or another, and which Israel had come almost completely to abandon because of her psychosomatic view of the unity of the human individual.
And which of these «ancient doctrines» contain the concepts of sin and grace?
But Judaism, as we have seen, had already begun to be influenced by the Greek doctrine of an immortal soul even though this was foreign to the heritage of ancient Israel found in the Hebrew Bible.
Nevertheless, in spite of the interpretations offered by liberal thought, ancient or modern, the doctrine of divine choice did in actuality work out as a prolific source of national arrogance.
At a time when it could be argued that we most need it, we have lost the ancient Christian doctrine of original sin as a corporate human condition preceding and affecting each individual.
«How can anyone pay any attention to a doctrine that grew out of a Greek conceptual system being imposed on Jewish Scriptures, that was as foreign to Jesus as it is to us, that depends on concepts and a common sense that have gone the way of the Roman Empire, and that is about as understandable as if it were still written in ancient Greek?»
For then it would be open to question whether one is dealing with a concept which is possible but which can correspond to no possible reality, or rather with the concept of something truly real.9 In contrast to these different possible dialectical ways in which the initial concept of a universal becoming can be used, Whitehead's categoreal system aims to describe it unmistakably as the fundamental truth: «The ancient doctrine that «no one crosses the same river twice,» is extended.
For Novak, however, nothing could be more disastrous for Judaism than to admit Socrates, Plato, the Stoics, Grotius, and Kant into the operative logic of Jewish jurisprudence, for not only did the ancient advocates of natural law such as Plato and the Stoics lack a doctrine of creation, but even Grotius and Kant» devout monotheists though they were» imported a false philosophy into God's sovereign dealings with the human race:
The ideas on which the formula was based came out of ancient ancestral traditions; the logic of the doctrine was unassailable once the premises were granted; great prophets, such as Amos, Micah, and Jeremiah, held stoutly to it; and the formula was confirmed and solidified by the final rewriting of the Hebrew historical narratives to illustrate the thesis that every calamity in Israel's record had been a definite punishment for Israel's transgression.
With that in mind, I have noticed that many, if not most new converts can have, in all appearances, a genuine spiritual experience before any high doctrine of «scriptural authority ever enters their head.Now, some may say that just how it works, first you crawl, then you walk... baby food, then the meat, but this is my point... the world is full of «spiritual meatheads»... there are so many believers who wdn't know an original thought, unless of course, they cd find the chapter and verse to unequivocally support it.Is it so difficult to comprehend how a collection of ancient documents may not be the final, complete and indisputable Word of God, but mere human artifacts, sometimes godly, sometimes not, sometimes helping, sometimes hindering.?
«No responsible doctrine of inspiration can deny that the biblical authors were thoroughly encultured, ancient people, who spoke as ancient people.
In fact, if we take a closer look we find that the Christian doctrine of heaven was as problematic for ancient science as it is for modern.
In this doctrine I not only follow James, Whitehead, and von Wright, but also rejoin the ancient Buddhist tradition as well as one of the traditions in Islam.
The name may have been connected originally with the ancient Persian doctrine, according to which the «primal man,» the first to be created, would appear again at the end of the ages.
The competence to formulate doctrine made the emperor the last and most effective of the ancient order of teachers.
Ayurvedic medicine is one of the world's oldest and most respected alternative natural medicine doctrines, alongside doctrines such as Ancient Chinese Medicine.
In 1947, at the age of nineteen, he developed an intense interest in an unlikely combination of topics: Rosicrucianism (a theological doctrine built on esoteric truths of the ancient past, which, concealed from the average man, provide insight into nature, the physical universe and the spiritual realm) and judo.
The exhibition title refers to a key theory underpinning ancient Buddhist philosophy: the doctrine of Two Truths.
Making matters worse for all kinds of accident victims, Virginia also follows another ancient and inhumane doctrine, called the «contributory negligence» rule.
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