Sentences with phrase «ancient fairy tales»

Yeah, she should stop following ancient fairy tales about gods that don't exist and just live in the real world.
Not being able to see through the nonsense being fed to you in the form of ancient fairy tales clearly shows the limited mental abilities of believers.
Big Fish & Begonia Miyazaki - like Chinese anime drawing on ancient fairy tales about a teenage girl who tries to restore the boy who saved her to human form after his death.
I for one am amazed that the leader of the most powerful country in the world believes in ancient fairy tales about a magic fairy man in the sky... no matter what organised religion they choose... it's still bronze age myths!!
Humanity must outgrow the need for ancient fairy tales if we are to survive as a species.
But the claim that we'll be judged by an icorporeal sentient being, but spared if we believe the right fairy tale, of the many ancient fairy tales, is an extraordinary claim.
The real brave people of the world though, use knowledge and actually trying to figure out how the world works for real.And by doing this they actually saving lives and make life better for everyone including those who go to church and those who preach ancient fairy tales.
you believe in a narrow view of a god based on ancient fairy tales and that if you adhere to the teachings of a supposed son of god you will go to disneyland in the sky forever... which is damm ridiculous... I consider myself an atheist but I am aware of the possibility of a creative force which created the universe... but that god chatted with people 2000 years ago and brought out a book is childish and stoopid!
I only ask because it would seem you are saying that due to the nature of God we have no way to test for or verify the existence of the spirit realm, thus you have assigned those unknowable spirits superpowers the likes of which might be better found on the pages on a comic book or in ancient fairy tales.
By rebutting some of their public statements and postings we hope that some people whose minds have still not fallen into the intellectual abyss displayed by most theists might be spared the damage to their thinking abilities before they get suck (er) ed too deeply into a routine of closed minded parroting of ancient fairy tales.
But if, on the other hand you have more then a couple of brain cells and can string a thought or two together into a coherent argument, you won't need some ancient fairy tale.
Your god sets forth many reasons for which it wouldn't accept people in to heaven and the gullible believers do their best to keep the ancient fairy tales alive - creating divisions where none should be had.
Spend less time obsessed with an ancient fairy tale and more time on reality.
Realizing that religion is wholly based on ancient fairy tales is step 2.
They've just evolved past the point where some ancient fairy tale book rules over their lives.
It's all just an ancient fairy tale.
Why am I supposed to know about ancient fairy tales?
Can humanity please get past this ancient fairy tale crap?
If anything ever destroys it, it'll be religious nuts who think they're fighting some holy war for the invisible man who lives in the sky... geez, haven't we outgrown the needs for these ancient fairy tales yet?
It's really quite amazing what you learn when you read other things besides the ancient fairy tales.
You are wasting your one and only life on blind faith in a ancient fairy tale created by man to control the behavior of other men.
This hypothetical about an ancient fairy tale character's stance on a modern day political issue is pointless.
We are all born atheists until some of us are indoctrinated with all those ancient fairy tales.
You mean the retarded book full of ancient fairy tales that gullible adults believe in.
«Ancient fairy tale».
They are based on ancient fairy tales.
Miyazaki's greatest films have the organic quality of ancient fairy tales: The benevolent forest creatures in My Neighbor Totoro or the bathhouse - frequenting monsters of Spirited Away seem to spring full - blown from both Japanese folk culture and the deepest recesses of preverbal memory.
The whole God thing is actually an ancient fairy tale that people have been telling one another for thousands of years.
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