Sentences with phrase «ancient humans»

The phrase "ancient humans" refers to people who lived a very long time ago in the past. They existed before our current time period and their ways of living were different from how we live now. Full definition
Today, technological advances allow scientists to read billions of letters from the genomes of ancient humans and other organisms, transforming our view of history and evolution.
Scientists have found ancient human DNA in caves, no bones or teeth required.
In the last eight years, the field of ancient DNA research has expanded from just one ancient human genome to more than 1,300.
These activities come much closer to the nature of play in ancient human groups than do childhood fantasies fueled by mass - produced toys, videos and movies, researchers think.
What is this «ghost» ancient human species?
A new study suggests that such massive mammals were much more likely than their smaller counterparts to go extinct in regions occupied by ancient humans.
Ancient human diets, like those of our fellow great apes, largely consisted of plants, so they likely produced more base than acid in the kidneys of our ancestors.
That means this star is actually younger than the most ancient humans.
-- There is so much to figure out and you're content thinking ancient humans answered all of the questions?
These include improved treatment of illness, better education, creation of sophisticated information - processing machines and new insights into ancient human mysteries such as the nature of the mind and the self.
There is so much to figure out and you're content thinking ancient humans answered all of the questions?
The only thing you can prove with the bible is that ancient humans knew the geography and events of their time and told the stories long enough for someone to write them down.
Conventional techniques for recovering ancient human DNA typically require the destruction of bone or tooth tissue during analysis, and this has been a cause of concern for many Native and indigenous communities.
The findings could shed light on the role group singing played in ancient human societies, and they suggest ways to encourage group bonding today.
The physics of flying infants allowed ancient humans to dramatically expand the gene pool, according to one lecture.
It suggests that different populations of ancient humans displayed somewhat different combinations of features among themselves.
How did ancient humans go on to disperse the population in different regions over thousands of years?
A third looks for evidence of ancient humans exposed as ice disappears.
However, fossils of ancient humans are rare, and they are not always available or suitable for genetic analyses.
According to new information, scientists now believe ancient humans had a stronger bond than originally thought with their canine companions, even caring for them while sick and elevating them to burial status.
Ancient humans saw wild cats hunting rodents around their grain stores and quickly realized that both species would benefit from living together.
One theory is that ancient humans trapped the pups of ancient wolves, raised them as pets, and used them to hunt.
If we're finding dinosaur bones and ancient human bones, there is more support for this research than there is against it.
«Only more genetic data from ancient human remains will allow us to disentagle our pre-historic past.»
Read more: Asian stone tools hint humans left Africa earlier than thought; Mystery ancient human ancestor found in Australasian family tree; Oldest artist's workshop in the world discovered; Shell «art» made 300,000 years before humans evolved
To do this we would need to compare DNA from present populations with genetic material from ancient human remains — a political hot potato in some regions, including the US (see «The legal fight over prehistory»).
Researchers were able to determine the genome of stomach bacteria that infected the famous Iceman at the time of his death, in the process giving us clues about ancient human migrations.
This suggests that some of the Amazon we know today was largely influenced by ancient human activity — and one of the latest pieces of evidence that support this idea comes from mysterious designs in the Brazilian state Acre.
The first ancient human genome from Africa to be sequenced has revealed that a wave of migration back into Africa from Western Eurasia around 3,000 years ago was up to twice as significant as previously thought, and affected the genetic make - up of populations across the entire African continent.
They — and all other Europeans — are already a mishmash, the children of repeated ancient migrations, according to scientists who study ancient human origins.
Almost all of us are the children of repeated ancient migrations, according to researchers who study ancient human origins.
Having studied the DNA of ancient human relatives, he was fascinated by the idea that mysterious large mammals reported around the world might be tiny remnant pockets of some human relative.
In 2012, his team reported that humans had a different form of these fatty acid genes than did chimps or other ancient human species, one that made them more efficient at processing the fatty acids from plants.
ASHG 2016: Ancient Human History More Complex than Previously Thought, Researchers Say ASHG Press Release — October 20, 2016
Jon Erlandson of the University of Oregon in Eugene and his team poked around caves, springs and likely sites of ancient human settlement on the islands of Santa Rosa and San Miguel, and found more than 50 shell middens — large trash heaps of discarded seashells, chipped stone tools and animal bones — which they dated to between 10,000 and 12,000 years ago.
Warinner is pioneering the study of ancient human microbiomes, and in 2014 she published the first detailed metagenomics and metaproteomic characterization of the ancient oral microbiome in the journal Nature Genetics.
But he doesn't share it with other ancient humans who lived at roughly the same time in Romania and Siberia — or with living Europeans.
As ancient human civilization began amassing stores of grain, the grain attracted rodents, which in turn attracted cats.
The technique relies on the radioactive isotope carbon - 14, whose radioactivity diminishes over time in a predictable manner, allowing researchers to calculate the age of ancient human sites using charcoal from fires or the bones of the prehistoric humans themselves.
Confused by the flood of news about ancient humans?
Whenever anyone launches into rhetoric about «my kind» and «your kind» and backs it up with condemnation and demonization (regardless of the proof texts quoted in support) I am reminded of warring tribes and petty kings, us versus them, and the oh so ancient human propensity to all too easily consign «the other» to the status of a non-person worthy of any abuse that is hurled their way.
Dennis O'Rourke, a biological anthropologist at the University of Kansas, says he would like to see more researchers follow Willerslev's example and work with Native American groups to decide whether to sequence ancient human remains, rebury them, or both.
We can now look for ancient human DNA at sites with no bone remains — and perhaps confirm claims such as that humans were present in the Americas 130,000 years ago
His team found ancient human faeces — coprolites — that proved to be 14,300 years old.
Tomas Marques - Bonet of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra noted that studying gene flow between ancient humans such as Neanderthals, Denisovans and the ancestors of modern humans has revealed numerous genes under selection that affect disease and an individual's traits.
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