Sentences with phrase «ancient ice»

A discussion of the methods for determining the ages of ancient ice cores.
They measured evidence of atmospheric carbon dioxide, trapped in ancient ice cores, and found a lower limit.
Ancient ice core samples show that temperature changes and CO2 levels are not correlated.
From ancient ice to hidden lakes, new research reveals the frozen continent as never before.
The region is chock full of ancient ice balls.
The researchers did find more than 4,000 bones of ancient ice - age animals during the last two decades.
Cores drilled from ancient ice sheets as well as of the coral reef and lake sediment varieties show that at the same time as Europe enjoyed average temperatures as warm as today, the tropical Pacific was unusually cold.
I have read further and found that the term tipping point in the realm of climate science can refer to many things such as ancient ice melting to the point of releasing additional greenhouse gases.
(He has spent time in Antarctica collecting meteorites exposed as ancient ice in snowless places ablates.
Here, at the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide, Kendrick Taylor and his team of glaciologists drill into ancient ice to pull up ice cores, which trap bubbles of the atmosphere from the time that ice fell as snow.
Video protocol for ancient ice cores: Removal of Exogenous Materials from the Outer Portion of Frozen Cores to Investigate the Ancient Biological Communities Harbored Inside — Robyn A. Barbato — JOVE
Studying ice cores shows how ancient ice contains records of Earth's past climate.
Geology graduate student Sean Mackay exposes ancient ice buried beneath rubble in Beacon Valley.
The ability to discover ancient ice is critical, the researchers say, because it will allow them to reconstruct the climate much farther back into Earth's history and potentially understand the mechanisms that have triggered the planet to shift into and out of ice ages.
In conditions that redefine the word «cold» for this native Tennessean, White drills through ancient ice to unlock clues to the Earth's past climate — and predict its future.
October 25, 2006, Appalachians Triggered Ancient Ice Age, by JR Minkel.
From there they could control a fleet of robotic explorers and investigate the composition of ancient ice deposits in the forever - dark craters of the Aitken basin.
Some, like Vaughn, find compelling climate stories within ancient ice.
[1] Martian lava tubes could possibly trap volatiles such as water which is considered essential for life, and may also contain reservoirs of ancient ice since cold air can pool in lava tubes and temperatures remain stable.
Although not initially that impressive, the Opera House's magic takes a little longer than love - at - first - sight admiration, though as sure as Norway's glaciers run deep with ancient ice, this man made glacial showpiece will eventually leave you spellbound.
I'm always reminded of the Native Americans and their beliefs about everything having a spirit, including these enormous, ancient ice formations.
A massive ancient ice rift, up to one mile deep in places, has been found in Antarctica.
(48) + Drilling teams hunted ancient ice in places barely possible to reach — eventually they penetrated not only the polar ice caps, but mountain icefields from Peru to Tibet — and the teams had to somehow get there with tons of equipment and supplies.
In Denver, Colorado, we peer over Alley's shoulder at the National Ice Core Lab to see how records of temperature and atmospheric composition trapped inside chunks of ancient ice conclusively demonstrate that today's levels of CO2 are higher than at any time in the past 400,000 years, due largely to our burning of fossil fuels over the past several hundred years.
To work out how long - term climate variability changed over the period, the researchers analysed data taken from ancient ice cores, marine sediments and animal and plant fossils stretching back thousands of years.
«Ancient ice melt unearthed in Antarctic mud: 20 - meter sea level rise, five million years ago.»
Heat trapping greenhouse - gas emissions are the obvious culprit, since they've increased dramatically over that same 50 years, but scientists prefer hard evidence to presumption, so a team from the British Antarctic Survey has been drilling into ancient ice to see how the current warming stacks up against what happened in the ancient past.
Researchers have been worried for years about rates of melting in Greenland, which is why scientific attention to the vast, ancient ice cap has been stepped up.
Scientists know that from studying air bubbles trapped in ancient ice in Greenland and Antarctica.
Detailed ana / lysis of acient ice cores can be found in the paper: «Microbial Ana.lyses of Ancient Ice Core Sections from Greenland and Antarctica» — Caitlin Knowlton, Ram Veerapaneni, Tom D'Elia, and Scott O. Roger
The 1980s and 1990s brought proof (chiefly from studies of ancient ice) that the global climate could indeed shift, abruptly and catastrophically, within a century — perhaps even within a decade.
When comets pass near the sun, their ancient ice and dust boil off to form long tails, and the composition of this vapor gives researchers a glimpse into the conditions of the early universe.
The West Antarctic ice sheet, the smaller of the icy continent's two giant slabs of ancient ice, is moored to an archipelago of islands, many of them below sea level.
Paleoclimatologist James White finds stark warnings about the potential for rapid climate change hidden in ancient ice
Ancient ice from the moon could provide answers to this deep mystery.»
He notes that both studies have «some blurriness,» he says, in what they are able to resolve about short - term changes and the size of the ancient ice sheet.
Mixing in the crumbled bits of ancient ice, Mackay poured us all a glass, and we toasted the adventure.
Coring in the Dry Valleys is challenging: Many drills use hot water, which destroys the ancient ice.
This could mean that any ancient ice that was once there may have melted and been replaced (Science, DOI: 10.1126 / science.1200109).
When you drop in a small fragment of ancient ice, it provides that seed: the water instantly organizes itself to mimic the prehistoric pattern.
But the latest research into sulphur - producing algae, ancient ice cores, and sea sediments from the North Atlantic region could help climatologists
Scientist Bogdan Onac of USF and his colleague Aurel Perșoiu, working with a team of researchers in Scărișoara Ice Cave, sampled the ancient ice there to reconstruct winter climate conditions during the Holocene period.
Previous studies suggest that natural geologic methane emissions of the past are at least as high as natural emissions today, so studying the ancient ice cores allows researchers to accurately determine the upper limit of geologic emissions, separate from their anthropogenic counterparts.
DEEP FREEZE: Petrenko holds a sample of ancient ice in his Ice Core Lab in Hutchison Hall.
Put it into Sport or Sport + mode and you'll certainly feel the ancient ice heaves, but it won't be enough to dislodge your soy, half - caff latte from its cupholder.
Halfway through the tour, you will be able to step out onto the ancient ice of the Athabasca Glacier.

Phrases with «ancient ice»

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