Sentences with phrase «ancient man»

This means that He was to be sharply distinguished from the gods of ancient man.
But on the other hand there is one thing which the man of the new world still has in common with ancient man and that is his humanity.
Ancient man did not expect any of his contemporaries to surpass the great teachers of the past, and he was greatly suspicious of anything that was new.
Such was the way in which ancient man saw his world.
Again, all according to ancient men who wrote the bible and never saw the resurrection.
A review of the ways in which ancient men saw their world.
Ancient man thus recognized himself to be in a very complex world, only one portion of which was visible to the naked eye.
As far as the very many creation myths that ancient man thought up, they are just that myths.
For very ancient man, the whole world was alive with the kind of life he knew within himself.
When ancient man expressed his gods in visible form and gave them names, he was taking the first steps towards gaining the mastery of them.
It is important to realize that, unlike our situation today, the mind of ancient man enjoyed almost unlimited freedom in developing the story.
But the amount of chemicals added to our modern - day crops is a major difference between the grains ancient man was eating and the grains we eat today.
Going back thousands of years, ancient man hardly ate carbohydrates because they didn't have all year round access to them.
The process of myth - making has been called «the intellectual adventure of ancient man».
Ancient man did not evolve from apes and were not idiots, but were clever enough to discover fire and medicine from plant life around them.
By the way the bible, which is an ancient book of myths written by ancient men, is not proof of anything.
For ancient man the belief in some form of life after death was universal.
Ancient man saw himself in a very inferior place.
Whereas ancient man yearned for an immortal existence among the gods, the prophets declared that YHWH had chosen to dwell among men.
Everything else is just control and manipulation from ancient men in a decrepit book of fairytales.
Ancient man needed something to figure the world out: ENTER RELIGION... We now have the Sciences to use to do this figuring: EXIT RELIGION.
I can see what you are saying about ancient men making up a God to explain creation.
Israel had abandoned the gods of ancient man in favor of the YHWH who addressed them in history, and now in the Israelite human scene there appeared a man who not only spoke the Word of God but who embodied it in flesh and blood.
(In his dreams, just as real to ancient man as waking impressions, his soul often seemed to leave the sleeping body and visit far places.)
The mythological world of ancient man led of necessity to religion.
Hunter - gatherer and caveman diets are loose terms that describe how ancient man practiced his eating.
And because ancient man ate these foods throughout our entire human history, seemingly without issue, something else has to be causing our modern reactivity to gluten and grains.
The implications of Israel's understanding of YHWH, as expressed in the first two commandments, are completely at variance with the way ancient man thought of the gods, and explain the iconoclasm which has been prominent from time to time in both Judaism and Christianity.
Whereas ancient man attempted to bring some influence to bear upon the unseen world by taking his offerings to the holy place where he believed the gods to dwell, the prophets proclaimed that YHWH had come to man where he was.
Whereas ancient man felt himself to be at the mercy of capricious forces seated beyond his control in an unseen world, Israel came to recognize that man himself has been given power and responsibility to act decisively, and that it is on his own moral decisions that his life and destiny largely depend.
Indeed both Jews and Christians have, on occasions, been labeled atheists, since they rejected all other gods and refrained from portraying their own God YHWH in any of the forms that ancient man associated with the gods.
Ancient man understood himself as the created to God the creator.
In the man Jesus the religion of ancient man came to an end.
But it was not simply an intellectual exercise, far less a form of entertainment, for ancient man knew himself to be involved in the processes of life and divine encounter which he saw all around him.
In his encounter with this complex world, ancient man attributed equal reality to all his experiences.
But whereas ancient man drew no clear dividing line between objective knowledge and the insights to be expressed in poetry, this is something we are forced to do.
As ancient man surveyed his world, he found himself surrounded on all sides with movement and change, not only in fellow - humans, animals and birds, but in running water, scudding clouds, heavenly bodies traveling across the sky, rising dust - storms, the occasionally quaking earth and the vegetation which sprang up, flowered, fruited and died.
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