Sentences with phrase «ancient man attempted»

Whereas ancient man attempted to bring some influence to bear upon the unseen world by taking his offerings to the holy place where he believed the gods to dwell, the prophets proclaimed that YHWH had come to man where he was.

Not exact matches

Because ancient man did not draw such a clear line of distinction between myth and history, it was possible for the myth of the end - time to hold a particular kind of reality for him which it can not hold for us, and there is no point in attempting to disguise this difference.
We may freely admit that there is a danger that, if we continue to use the word «myth», it may be mistakenly assumed that we are attempting to restore the mythological view of ancient man.
However, sculptures like military processions, hunting scenes, elephants uprooting trees, feeding young ones, men attempting to capture elephants, journeys, rows of athletes, lady cooking and more secular scenes of everyday life speak all about the rich and amazing architecture of ancient time.
For thousands of years, beginning with ancient cultures, man attempted to reproduce the world with as much precision as possible.
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