Sentences with phrase «ancient material»

And they are looking for new samples of ancient material to fill in details about ancient events.
The modern challenge of nuclear waste storage and disposal has researchers at Washington State University looking back at ancient materials from around the world.
«We now know that there are more relatively large chunks of ancient material coming from the Oort Cloud than we thought.»
This research arose from the department's involvement in the EU - funded Marie Curie network «New Archaeological Research Network for Integrating Approaches to Ancient Material Studies,» known by its acronym as NARNIA.
The fourth division of the canon corresponds roughly with the Vinaya - pitaka of the Pali Buddhist canon, and probably contains a great deal of quite ancient material.
«We can now obtain meaningful human, pathogen and dietary DNA from a single sample, which minimizes the amount of ancient material required for analysis,» said Warinner.
The craftsmen who have shown themselves so skilled with wood and leather have been inventing new techniques for using ancient materials, specifically stone and glass, heavy materials that present use case challenges.
Defeating Guardians and Guardian Scouts will also drop Ancient materials too.
When will the repetitious production design and repackaging of ancient material come to an end?
The samples are frequently degraded and prone to contamination by DNA from other sources, and coaxing data out of the ancient material is costly and painstaking work.
«For example, when the skull has been shattered, because I am used to putting ancient bones together, I can use what I have learned from ancient materials.
Ancient material is usually found in a great quantity at once, so ancient projects tend to run from one date to another.
Going forward, scientists will have to hunt for other areas showing outsized amounts of tungsten - 182 with the hope of illuminating both the earliest portion of Earth's history as well as the place in Earth's interior where this ancient material is stored.
It will summon what's referred to as «ancient material».
It's possible that «ancient material» refers to the rather mystical items shown on its box.
Ancient materials - Hyrule is packed full of destroyed, ruined Guardians, and you're able to search them for Ancient materials.
Our recommendation is to fight them to make your life easier, and also to collect some Ancient Materials.
By creating new forms in this ancient material, Liu brings into question the contemporary Chinese artists» relationship with cultural heritage.
Following a historical precedent for utilizing glass in adornment, contemporary artists create dynamic art jewelry that underscores the aesthetic and theoretical potential of an ancient material.
That is, until an ancient material with no trace of scope in the canon of art history grabbed her.
Most recently, he has used felt, an ancient material made of lint, dust, silt, hair, to fabricate sculptures of overlooked objects and cliches such as a chair, a trash can or the Moon.
The ancient material of clay that is both fragile and strong, allows Fattal to trace the past into the present.
, a large - scale survey of contemporary artists whose «work demonstrated a revolutionary redefinition of an ancient material
- Fluent in French, German and Dutch - Can read and understand Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Swiss - Competent with Microsoft Office Suite and database software - Detail oriented with exceptional analytic and problem - solving skills - Able to work flexible hours and travel internationally as needed - Skilled at in - depth analysis of ancient materials and texts
This ancient material is having a revival in interiors.
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