Sentences with phrase «ancient ocean»

By examining rocks at the bottom of ancient oceans, an international group of researchers have revealed that arsenic concentrations in the oceans have varied greatly over time.
Scientists test whether sparse, indirect data can reveal ancient ocean chemistry and circulation patterns.
They analyzed compounds in the rock produced by algae to track ancient ocean temperatures.
«Life in ancient oceans enabled by erosion from land.»
Raised Ridges - Maybe these largely unexplained features resulted from ancient ocean activity?
In the short term, the astrovirologists suggest that, among other things, researchers need to find distinctive virus biosignatures; consider virus - detection experiments for Europa and Enceladus; and include virus models in our models for ancient oceans and other planets.
To test that idea, they have studied ancient ocean sediments laid down during the Ediacaran and Cambrian periods, which together ran from about 635 million to 485 million years ago.
In 2012, Mars Express spotted a possible ancient ocean on Mars: sediments on the planet's northern plains appeared to resemble what is seen on an ocean on Earth.
The scene was much different about 4.5 billion years ago, though: Water covered about 20 % of the planet's surface, and 400 - foot - tall megatsunamis raced across ancient oceans.
Animals need oxygen to survive, but a relative lack of oxygen in Earth's ancient oceans helped early marine creatures evolve, a new study claims.
The majority of this wastewater is ancient ocean brine that was trapped in rock layers along with gas and oil deposits.
«Rock exposed in World War I trenches offers new fossil find: Sea lily ancestors spent youth hitchhiking around ancient oceans, discovery suggests.»
In the face of these concerns, our findings from the warm, oxygen - poor ancient ocean may be a warning shot about yet another possible perturbation to marine ecology in the future.»
A global relief map of Mars shows low elevations in blue, where ancient oceans likely covered much of the northern hemisphere.
Instead, Grotzinger says, their model was meant to duplicate how chemicals and sediments might settle out of water in a hot ancient ocean rich with the calcium carbonate typically found in stromatolite layers.
Salinity of the surface waters can be influenced by the amount of river water flowing into the oceans, yet no computer models of ancient ocean circulation had included this variable.
Paleontologists sometimes build timelines from ancient ocean beds, where 100 million years of sediment layers are often stacked in one continuous sequence.
Around 350 million years ago, that ancient ocean closed during the formation of the Pangea supercontinent, and the sediments deposited in it became a large mountain range that later acquired a curved shape, becoming part of what is now the Iberian Peninsula around 300 million years ago.
The extent to which microbes in the Earth's ancient oceans contributed to the formation of iron deposits was previously unknown.
The location and amounts of iron in the rock gave important clues about ancient ocean water chemistries over time.
During the Ordovician ancient oceans separated the barren continents of Laurentia, Baltica, Siberia and Gondwana.
The finding stems from more than a decade of effort to virtually reconstruct ancient ocean basins to understand how their size and depth have changed since the Cretaceous, which lasted from 145.5 to 65.5 million years ago.
In kid - friendly language, the authors incorporate the work of nearly forty - five scientists into easily - understood reads, ranging from Dr. Camille Parmesan's information on the Edith's checkerspot butterfly, to Dr. Lloyd Keigwin, who studies ancient ocean mud cores.
Oxygen present in ancient oceans oxidized dissolved iron, which precipitated out of solution onto the ocean floors.
A new study shown that meteorite impacts on ancient oceans may have created nucleobases and amino acids.
And many exchanges were heated because, despite 150 years of research on the biology of evolution, scientists still disagree about how and why multicellular creatures and plants emerged from ancient oceans that teemed with robust and self - reliant single - celled entities.
In the April 2 SN: The rising threat of Zika, psychobiotics, sticky - fingered baby Jupiter, big chill for ancient oceans, microbes and malnutrition, Van Gogh's palette revealed, a literary leech and more.
«Pluto's «Hulk - like» moon Charon: A possible ancient ocean?.»
Origin: An ancient ocean underneath the Appalachian Mountains in West Virginia Tasting notes: Shimmery crystals that linger on the palate Try it: as a finishing seasoning for a steak or pork chop.
Telescopes spied water in ice caps at the Red Planet's poles, as well as signs of an ancient ocean covering the northern hemisphere.
Other scientists have suggested that erosion, plate tectonics or ancient oceans could have sculpted the distinct landscapes.
Tiny, iron - rich fossils exhumed from the depths of an ancient ocean could reveal the cradle of life.
Although the salt could have been leached out by an ancient ocean which since froze solid, that freezing process would concentrate most of the salt very far from the surface of the moon's ice, says Julie Castillo of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.
«The pore spaces, or tiny holes, in the rock remain filled with these ancient oceans, so when we drill wells today that water is produced to the surface,» Tinker says.
Those sites gave her the chance to gather fossils from many different depths in the ancient ocean, from the more oxygen - rich surface waters to deeper zones.
Another 2016 study found that minerals called carbonates — which need water to form — are spread across the dwarf planet, suggesting that Ceres once hosted an ancient ocean.
But thanks to a number of coincidences, Harpel had just made an unprecedented discovery that would reveal the existence of an ancient ocean giant.
Sculpture of placoderm Dunkleosteus; image courtesy of Esben Horn, 10tons; supervised by Martin Rücklin, John Long and Philippe Janvier The ancient ocean was a frightening place.
Yet despite all this past research, the team was able to make a fundamental discovery about the global conditions in the ancient ocean and their impacts on life.
But while these features are suggestive of ancient coastlines — one set for an ancient ocean 20 times the size of the Mediterranean, and another for a smaller, subsequent ocean about half that size — they are not, themselves, considered to be conclusive proof.
If there were ancient oceans, along with the geological activity that helped to replenish them periodically, future Mars explorers may find ample evidence of this by drilling down into the Martian subsurface or exploring ancient caves.
Proof of an ancient ocean would indicate that Mars once enjoyed a warmer and wetter climate, far more suitable to living organisms than conditions on Mars today.
Cephalopods, which include not only octopus but also squid, cuttlefish and nautilus, emerged as predators in the ancient oceans over 400 million years ago.
Those projects had proven the first half of the so - called iron hypothesis: namely that windblown dust from land provided the trace nutrient of iron to catalyze the growth of massive algae blooms in the ancient ocean.
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