Sentences with phrase «ancient places of»

There's an ancient / Celtic story about St. Columba, who was famous for «preserving ancient places of worship because they once were centers of honest searches for God — however misguided they might have been,» Donna Fletcher Crow wrote in The Fields of Bannockburn.
Bath was an ancient place of healing because of the hot springs and it's famous for its baths built by the Romans.
Places where, like the ancients places of worship, there is not a worship of Christ — yet — but places where the people pour out an honest reaching toward God.
Join us on a journey to the ancient place of Mayan pilgrimage known today as Chacchoben, «The Place of Red Corn.»

Not exact matches

«The ancient Romans had a tradition: Whenever one of their engineers constructed an arch, as the capstone was hoisted into place, the engineer assumed accountability for his work in the most profound way possible: He stood under the arch.»
The game takes place in London, though it's set in an alternate reality where an ancient order of knights keeps the world safe from monsters.
(RM) A lesson in taking seriously theological perspectives that have stood the test of time, and in thinking about how these ancient truths can be made relevant to folks who hang around places like Las Vegas.
There are many biblical predictions («prophecies» in bible terms) that have been fulfilled, predictions that were made hundreds of years before the event, like the fall of some empires / nations (ancient and current), a natural and supernatural sign at a particular place, a catastrophe, etc..
If the ancient world was anything like some places today, I'm sure there was a large degree of persecution.
Pastor, please seek employment in a library, the only place where the bible, torah, quran, and other ancient works of fiction belong.
God can no longer be present in a Temple that has ceased to be a place of encounter, the «meeting tent» of the ancient Hebrews; that Temple, however magnificently constructed, had become a place of superstition and self - interest.
b) seek professional help to figure out why you have the compulsions in the first place, and develop a strategy to help you replace your unhealthy addictions with healthy habits c) contact a wild - eyed shaman to tell you which parts of his ancient magic book, written primarily for an illiterate, credulous audience, apply best to 21st Century psychological issues.
The book Civilizations of the Ancient Near East states: «Recent research has suggested that the domestication of the camel took place in southeastern Arabia some time in the third millennium [B.C.E.].
And to say that Biblical teachings are invalid because there are other similar beliefs that have older known written sources invalidates the Biblical teachings also should take into consideration that for certain Biblical believers that all those truths whether they are known to have been placed in the Bible first or known thus far to have been placed elsewhere that they believe that they all come via deity who at the beginning of human history on this world dispensed those truths to humanity and that to those who believe in the biblical teachings believe that through time they are more complete than those of other ancient beliefs due to God restoring those truths through revelations given to later prophets like say Moses and other later Old and New Testament prophets and apostles.
Trying to heap an ancient written Jewish code on modern Gentile Christians (and non --RRB-, tellingly without even an understanding of said code and a complete indifference to the message of Jesus and to the accounts in the very bible being worshipped in His place.
In reference to the flood, one of the most important points to grasp is that in ancient Middle Eastern cosmology, the waters of the world — especially large bodies of water such as the ocean and the sea — were considered to be the dwelling places of powerful deities.
I wandered through other church traditions, traditional, contemporary, liturgical, meditative, mystic, seeker - sensitive, emerging, ancient - future, denominational, mega-church, old church, new church, basement church, no church for a while there: you name it, I found my way there and I found the people of God in each place, I did.
Alexander III, following the ancient tradition of the Church declared that «After a lawfully accorded consent affecting the present, it is allowed to one of the parties, even against the will of the other, to choose a monastery (just as certain saints have been called from marriage), provided that carnal intercourse shall not have taken place between them; and it is allowed to the one who is left to proceed to a second marriage» (III Decretal., xxxii, 2).
On a far higher level, intellectually and spiritually, is that very noble philosophical poem called the Wisdom of Solomon, and that still nobler monument of ancient Hebrew thought, the Book of Job, a dramatic dialogue in splendid and sonorous verse upon the theme of suffering and its place in a providential order.
At the beginning of the modern era, two events took place that were at the base of non-Western, Byzantine Europe: the break - up of ancient Byzantium and of its historical continuity with the Roman Empire; and the establishment of a second Europe, with a new capital in Moscow, whose borders extended eastward, and of a type of pre-colonial structure in Siberia.
God granted Paul a tour of what ancient Jewish cosmology labeled the third heaven; the place where God Almighty dwells.
Or maybe the ancient Roman holiday of Saturnalia which takes place at this time of year?
Notice the sequence of the narration: Jesus hears that Herod Antipas has thrown John into prison; Jesus withdraws (apparently from Judea where he had been baptized and endured the wilderness trials) into Galilee; Jesus moves his place of dwelling; this move fulfills ancient prophecy (Matt.
An ancient tradition locates the place in the valley just north of the foot of the Mount of Olives, where a church now marks the traditional site of Mary's tomb.
And in the ancient churches it's easy to construct a vision of the medieval man or woman who once sat in the same hard pew — a person who understood, as we never can, his or her place in the universe.
The author contrasts an ancient abbey with its traditions, history and rootedness, to the modern American megachurch without tradition, culture or weighted worship, to an ecological sound, modern, high - tech, all thought out community but where the state church seems of little consequence, yet in this latter place the gospel seemed to make more sense.
Even if those who are to come from all directions to put to shame Jesus» fellow - countrymen are really Gentiles and not Jews of the dispersion, the words none the less naively assert that the chosen people and its heroes hold the central place in the Kingdom of God; afterward the Gentiles would join them, according to ancient prophecy.
According to all the Gospels the resurrection took place early Sunday morning, the day after the Sabbath and the third day after the crucifixion according to the ancient custom of counting both the first and the last days.
That ancient movement was one in which man achieved independence from his world by being called out of his identity with the cosmos to assume a place of responsibility over it.
It fit ancient Hebrew scripture foretelling the birth of a king in Bethlehem, the birth place of David.
To process with the pilgrims to these ancient churches, as Weigel and his collaborators did, is to enter into the storied history of a place that belongs to all Christians.
In ancient Hebrew culture, it was very strange for God to only have one place of worship — in the tabernacle and then later in the temple.
Ancient seafaring goes back thousands of years before that with the Greeks (3000 BC), the Mycenaeans (2000 BC, the Minoans (2500 BC, the Phoenicians (1500 BC) and many others in the area and in other places around the Earth.
To the people of that ancient time, a woman only provided a womb which is a «nest» or «fertile ground» or «incubator» — a place where the seed of a man could grow.
My contention is that this places Ivan's sensibility much nearer to the authentic vision of the New Testament than are many of the more pious and conventional forms of Christian conviction today The gospel of the ancient church was always one of rebellion against those principalities and powers — death chief among them — that enslave and torment creation; nowhere does the New Testament rationalize evil or accord it necessity or treat it as part of the necessary fabric of God's world.
Because the name is one with the essence of the thing named great care and ceremony were exercised in the giving of names; and we find reflected in the legends of Genesis an inordinate interest in the origin of ancient names of both places and people.
The radical rupture of this world that took place in ancient Israel and is at the root of the biblical tradition almost certainly served to reinforce these boundaries.
No other ancient nation ever ceased to exist for a period of centuries and then returned to take its place on the stage of world history.
But to discount an ancient doc.ument merely on the grounds of it mentioning a place or a people that you haven't heard of isn't logical.
If it gives us a sense that we come from nowhere, that our past is inchoate and our tradition shallow, so that we begin to doubt our own identity and some of the sensitive among us flee to more ancient lands with more structured traditions, it also gives us our openness to the future, our sense of unbounded possibility, our willingness to start again in a new place, a new occupation, a new ideology.
This placing of their very lives in the hands of a strategic elite was like the trust that always had to be granted by democracies to their military leaders, such as in ancient Athens or pre-1950s America; it was unlike it in the sheer immediacy of the new sort of death - threat and the practical impossibility of evading it.
The grounds on which church authorities resisted the advancing claims of the sciences were in the first place simply that they were at variance with the accepted teachings handed down from ancient times.
The introduction to this work mentions the ancient custom of the Lenten stational Masses in Rome, revived by Pope John Paul IIand celebrated in specific Roman Churches as stopping places on the way.
In a recent book, The Geography of Genius, Eric Weiner sets out on what he calls «a search for the world's most creative places, from ancient Athens to Silicon Valley.»
All he seems to ask for is that Jesus be given a higher place among the divinities of the ancient world.
In their compelling earnestness, in their intensity of conviction, in their penetrating insights and ethical elevation, they were a crowning glory of the cultures of the ancient East; and they retain to this day a high place among the great of all ages.
You only have instances of correct names and places within the bible, something that can be found in other examples of ancient literature.
The perplexity of this leader from the image — ridden West, standing in the presence of a mystery that still evaded him, is a true symbol of Israel's place in the ancient world: a place that might well be equally unique in the modern, save for our debt to Israel herself.
The concept of a Triune god was stolen from the ancient Egyptian's and has no place in pure worship.
In view of the fact that Israel pioneered a new road in the ancient world, abandoning the nature myths, and concerning herself with the events of her own history, it is not surprising that the myth of the «dying - and - rising god» found no place at all in the thinking of her prophets.
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