Sentences with phrase «ancient religions»

It's funny how people who believe in modern fairy tales about god make fun of ancient religions like sun worship, which makes more sense than the crazy story told by the bible.
The bible and the christian religions in general (as well as all modern day religions) came from other ancient religions.
Many ancient religions were focused around the worship of the sun, moon, and stars.
Future history will show current religions as no different than how we view ancient religions.
In contrast with ancient religion, the Christian Way (as it was called) was something new in human history.
The religious backdrop also doesn't bring forth much in terms of commentary or satire on ancient religions, save to make the characters in the early Old Testament look like buffoons.
I wish these primitive ancient religions would run their course so mankind can get down to solving real problems like over population and hunger and non poluting energy...
Then I studied ancient religions and found that Christianity is very derivative of them, just as Mormonism is derivative of Christianity.
Some of them rival The Da Vinci Code in their passion for conspiracy and the shallowness of their historical knowledge, not just of the New Testament and early Christianity, but of ancient religions generally and, even more broadly, the ancient world.
And in the way ancient religions worshipped the power of the sun, wind or sea, we are supposed bow down before the unstoppable power of market forces.
I hate talking about myself but here is a little about me, I'm goth, non-christian I have interest in foreign languages, paranormal, psychology, sociology and alternative religions but more specifically ancient religions.
It is probably the oldest story in the book (s), since it seems to be ingrained into our collective (un) conscious in most of the worlds ancient religions, literature and art.
The Bible differs from other ancient religions of the East in holding that the Creator is immeasurably more than His creation; that He is personal but can not be limited; that He is supremely intelligent, as evidenced by the intelligibility of the universe; and, above all, that He is good.
I understand that is what christians believe; the only comparison was to ancient religions that did not have that belief.
@T or - you might choose an ancient religion where the character you imply isn't referred to as Odin's son many many times.
The Yazidis, another ancient religion, saw ISIS abduct more than 3,000 of its women and girls for sexual enslavement, and mass graves of their men are now being unearthed.
In Jesus of Nazareth we find the true successor to the prophets of Israel, whose concern for the common man, and whose unconcern for the forms of ancient religion, He not only shared, but took to their logical conclusion.
I'm no expert in ancient religions either, but here's one from Buddha on forgiveness (500 + years before the alleged Jesus).
The Renaissance and the Reformation reversed this long process which had led to the resurgence of ancient religion in a Christian dress, and they made way for the emergence of the new world with its renewed emphasis on the human scene.
The fact that they may be holding up religion to judgment is no criterion for dismissing them, for at the heart of the biblical heritage we find a consistent movement away from the traditional forms of ancient religion to a concern with the daily life of man.
If God loves someone, he won't let their eternal fate rest on their choice of ancient religion (or on their choice to use their capacity for reason, and choose no religion at all).
I do have to wonder, however, why CNN doesn't do stories on former Christians who finally see the light and disavow the ancient religions.
These are ancient religions.
If Jesus was not allegedly crucified then there could be no story of death and rebirth, a theme which seems to have been copied from several other ancient religions that preceded Christianity.
Now doesn't this sound like the intolerant, ancient religion of Islam?
Your wisdom will prevail in years to come and eventually as humanity grows, christianity will become another myth, just like the ancient religions before it.
The Yazidi practice an ancient religion that ISIS — or, «The Islamic State» as they radical Sunni group are now calling themselves — theologically oppose.
When the ancient world was in the last throes, the ancient religions were overcome by Christianity.
But if enough time is not available, a basic course could be worked out on a typological basis in which one primitive cult, one of the ancient religions of the Near East and the two great competitors of Christianity — Islam and Buddhism — could be dealt with.
You are dead just as faith without works is dead and prescribe to some ancient religion that has no ability to deliver to build up.
You will not find Jesus in the cults books or even in the ancient religions... you will find demons there.
What if an ancient religion asks for permission to throw a virgin into a volcano to appease the angry gods?
This stuff just blows me away... as a race how do we continue to believe in these ancient religions.
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