Sentences with phrase «ancient religious tradition»

Yet there, too, the ancient religious traditions are undergoing a crisis and secular thinking has made inroads and begun to dominate public life.
Faced with a world in which some form of encounter with other faiths can no longer be avoided, the ancient religious traditions are breaking into increasingly bitter wings.
But just like many of today's geopolitical conflicts, its concept is partly rooted in ancient religious traditions.

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Religious virtuosos, on the other hand, engage in ressourcement: they draw on the resources of profound traditions and project them into the future, calling for action in light of what the ancient texts themselves project.
What do you think accounts for this renewed interest in tradition - observing the religious calendar, reciting daily prayers and ancient creeds, incorporating symbols into worship, etc..
For Hart, the ancients in every religious tradition got philosophy so right that there is little left to be said about the intellectual foundation of theism.
Driven by her conviction that «the practices of living religious traditions have great wisdom to impart,» Dorothy Bass examines Christian practices in «both their ancient grounding and the fresh and vibrant forms they take today.»
If they are from a biblically conservative tradition they are likely to use selected references to sexuality, marriage, and family to communicate the ideals of God in a way that will encourage and motivate people to strive for the ideal.6 This didactic use of the Bible fails to distinguish the radical difference between family life and the religious practices of ancient and modern cultures.
The people of Nineveh, as a certain ancient tradition affirms, are often already repenting in ways that we, the self - consciously religious, have yet to see.
Celebrated every Saturday and Sunday until the... Judaism is a religious tradition with origins dating back nearly four thousand years, rooted in the ancient near eastern region of Canaan (which is now
For the Balinese people, dance is more than just an ancient tradition, but an integral part of religious and artistic expression that brings together the community.
This gallery provides a cross section of 2 - D and 3 - D works that express religious, social and cultural values of ancient civilizations along with some traditions that continue to this day.
Beneath their beautiful jewel - like surface is a collection of dark and violent images inspired by ancient myths and religious tales from both East and Western tradition.
Articles featured in the Bulletin cover diverse religious traditions from any time period from ancient religions to new religious movements.
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