Sentences with phrase «ancient sense»

There are three «predictions of the Passion», as they are called, in each of the first three Gospels («passion» in the ancient sense of «martyrdom», meaning here the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus — as in the medieval «Passion plays»).
And indeed, the preacher should be, in the ancient sense, a grammarian, at home in letters, languages, eloquence and the classics.
On the one hand, he commends poetry as providing an introduction to philosophy (in the ancient sense of a quest for wisdom to live a life that flourishes).
Thus, in the ancient sense, they are educated liberally.
The fledgling religion presented itself not only as a philosophy, in the ancient sense of the term, but as the philosophy.
We are changed as we seek to imitate Christ and, more, to be merged with him, to be blood brothers in the ancient sense and have his sweet life flow through us as sap through a vine.
The newborn is comforted by the mother's smell since it is familiar, and smell is an ancient sense that is up and running at birth.
And if modern - day charms don't cast spells in the ancient sense, they do contain a powerful force: memory, in the form of personal history.
To prove the reality of the ancient sense, he had conceived a truly novel experiment.
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