Sentences with phrase «ancient song»

In 1962, filmmaker Sterlin Harjo's grandfather disappeared mysteriously in Sasakwa, Oklahoma, and as the Seminole community searched for him, its members sang ancient songs of faith and hope.
In the very ancient Song of Moses, this is quite clear.
I trained with Ancient Song Doula Services, an organization devoted to racial and economic justice in birth work.
Her initiatives include Commonsense Childbirth in Florida, which provides pre-natal care and education for low - income and at - risk mothers, and Ancient Song Doula Services in New York, which provides doula care, nutrition classes and group support to low income, at - risk women of color.
I give up control, let Ivy carry what is left of my consciousness on the sound of her voice, chanting the ancient songs.
The ancient Song of Deborah (Judg.
By careful reconstruction and exegesis, Miller finds references to the cosmic army in additional verses in these ancient songs.
Do not miss the ancient Song of the Well, happily preserved here, nor the also very old, if puzzling, song of verses 27 ff.
They must set aside their differences and use the power of magical Blue Daisies and an ancient song to save their world from an evil Ice Dragon.
This is the work of the virtuous wife, the «Ashes Chayil» in the ancient song: «She considers a field and buys it; / With her earnings she plants a vineyard.»
Some of the sailors, their bearded faces browned and peeling from too much sun, cracked the last rations of walnuts in their fists or under their boot heels, singing some ancient song about a girl left behind.
The long tail is the name of the game, and since I am so late to this post I will test the long tail of this blog post by singing an ancient song of my people:
«Mission Songs Project presents contemporary folk songs that continue the ancient song lines of this country.
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