Sentences with phrase «ancient species of»

Take a short stroll to the beach to taste the beautiful blend of Reef and Rainforest, spot a Cassowary on the way, or simply unwind on the veranda and enjoy the breathtaking ocean views and ancient species of the forest.
Einkorn, though ancient species of wheat, has its own unique peculiarities in baking and bread.
I learned that all chocolate comes from the beans within the fruit pod of an ancient species of tree called Theobroma Cacao.
Spelt, also known as dinkel wheat, or hulled wheat, is an ancient species of wheat; it's much more nutritious and also much easier to digest than wheat.
The ancient species of baleen whale named Toipahautea waitaki lived in New Zealand when the region was an island archipelago.
A scrappy, ancient species of wheat may help today's widely cultivated bread wheat fight the devastating fungus known as stem rust (shown growing on wheat stems).
A living relict of an ancient species of farmer ants has startled biologists by cultivating a fancy, modern food crop that didn't arise until more than 30 million years after the ants themselves.
An ancient species of pint - sized humans discovered in the tropics of Indonesia may have met their demise earlier than once believed, according to an international team of scientists who reinvestigated the original finding.

Not exact matches

Just because the universe appears ancient, doesn't mean than evolution had time to create the diversity of species it says occurred.
The idea of being sons of God recalls the ancient Semitic idiom used in the Old Testament to indicate belonging to a particular species or group of any kind (Ps 8:4; 90:3).
In 1850, in In Memoriam, Tennyson expressed perplexity about the ancient earth and evolution, before On the Origin of Species was published in 1859: «Are God and Nature then at strife, / That Nature lends such evil dreams?»
Whereas the ancients simply had to obey the dictates of their gods (as known within their traditions), we now find that, as a very important part of nature ourselves, an increasing measure of responsibility lies upon our species for the future of all planetary life.
«he list of supposedly exstinct ancient species on the link I sent you.
-- The list of supposedly exstinct ancient species on the link I sent you.
One of the white fish I have started experimenting with recently are tilapia species, going back to the pharaos of ancient Egypt.
Spelt is a species of wheat much more common in ancient and medieval times but newly popular as some people look to explore older varieties of common foodstuffs and others feel that health benefits may accrue from avoiding some varieties of wheat in favor of others.
Kamut Kamut is a trademark name for a species of wheat that is an ancient relative of durum wheat.
Spelt is an ancient grain, a species of wheat that prevailed long before the hybrid version that we use today.
Kiwifruit Banana Spelt Cake Spelt is an ancient grain, a species of wheat that prevailed long before the hybrid version that we use today.
That's how large scientists believe the brain of a newly discovered species of an ancient human relative was...
More than 100 species of chaetognaths are alive today, but evidence of their ancient relatives is spotty.
The Order Testudines includes both living and extinct species, the earliest turtles being known from the early Triassic Period, making turtles one of the oldest reptile groups, and a much more ancient group than the lizards and snakes.
Researchers now report that a newly identified species of ancient arrow worm was especially heavily armed.
As researchers recently sequenced the genomes of more than a dozen ancient members of our species, Homo sapiens, in Europe and Asia in rapid succession, they added a third genetic component: a «ghost» lineage of nomads who blew into northeast Europe from the steppes of western Asia 4000 to 5000 years ago.
But new analyses of fish fossils, as well as genetic analyses of a living fish species, suggest that this specialized material once served a very different function: to toughen some bones and scales of ancient fish.
The supposed ancient butchers in question were members of the same species as the famed fossil Lucy: Australopithecus afarensis, a hominid that lived in Ethiopia's Afar region between 3.9 and 2.9 million years ago.
By analyzing the fossils of thousands of ancient crustaceans, a team of scientists led by NMNH paleontologist Gene Hunt has found that devoting a lot of energy to the competition for mates may compromise species» resilience to change and increase their risk of extinction.
So much so, in fact, that its discoverers argue that the ancient human family tree should be pruned of many of its species, which may simply be different forms of H. erectus.
A 13 - million - year - old skull found in Kenya provides the best evidence yet for the African origins of the ancient species that gave rise to all living apes
Even after we evolved the ability to use weapons and became predators ourselves, this ancient brain circuit still offered a useful defense against members of our own species.
«Palaeothentid marsupials once included a diversity of species that filled a variety of roles in ancient ecosystems.
A fossil found in Maryland was identified by a University of Pennsylvania doctoral student as belonging to a new species of ancient dog.
Even the most ancient of the parrot species they studied, the Kea of New Zealand, has a shell structure — albeit rudimentary.
Using information from fossils, and the DNA of living species, we were able to further determine that at around 24 million years old, Palaeopotorous is not just primitive, but likely represents the most distant forerunner of all known kangaroos, rat - kangaroos and their more ancient ancestors,» said Dr den Boer.
«It's exciting evidence for a previously unrecognised species within the ancient lineage of Amazon river dolphins,» says Scott Baker of Oregon State University in Newport.
Furthermore, these ancient butchers were not members of our own genus, Homo, but the more primitive Australopithecus, specifically A. afarensis, the species to which the celebrated Lucy fossil belongs.
In the new study, pollen grains of a modern dwarf pine species, considered an analog for the ancient species, were similarly malformed under high levels of ultraviolet - B radiation (bottom row).
In the new study, Pontzer and Kozma also calculated the range of hip and leg extensions of three species of ancient hominins.
First, they showed that the new species derives from the ancestors of all known microsporidians and further, that the microsporidians derive from the most ancient fungi; thus its exact place in the tree of life has finally been found.
A new analysis of a well - preserved skeleton of a Neandertal child reveals that the ancient human species may have had an extended period of brain growth compared to modern humans.
For years, Alter and her colleagues have meticulously reconstructed the history of the species using subfossils — ancient bones that, unlike true fossils, are not yet fully mineralized and still contain minute traces of DNA.
The idea of God (or gods) also served in ancient times as a way to apply the clan - centric cognition of the human species to the problem of comprehending the dynamics of the world.
These ancient portraits of what may have been the largest lions that ever existed, Panthera spelaea, tell us much about an extinct species, and even more about our own.
Similar analyses of fossils of other members of the same ancient ecosystem may reveal that multiple species participated in the ancient migrations, scientists say.
Indeed, our analysis shows it to be a member of the most ancient cichlid lineage that contributed to the so - called East African Radiation, a spectacular burst of diversification that has given rise to a huge variety of species,» Reichenbacher explains.
Ironically, some of the best DNA sources for extinct species and ancient humans are specimens nobody has tried to preserve.
«De-extinction probability increases with every improvement in ancient DNA analysis,» said Stewart Brand, co-founder of the nonprofit conservation group Revive and Restore, which aims to resurrect vanished species including the passenger pigeon and the woolly mammoth, whose genomes have already been mostly pieced together.
Angielczyk, whose work focuses on ancient mammal relatives, explained the importance of finding new species like Ichibengops.
«Fossil specimen reveals a new species of ancient river dolphin.»
Many of the species Darwin discovered in the fossils were previously unknown to science, including several giant ground sloths, compact car — sized relatives of armadillos called glyptodonts (SN Online: 2/22/16) and ancient kin of horses and elephants.
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