Sentences with phrase «ancient technology when»

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This is what happens when new technologies clash with ancient understandings of the sacred.
Jian - Wei Pan, a physicist at the University of Science and Technology of China in Shanghai, got the chance to test the idea when the Micius satellite, named after an ancient Chinese philosopher, was launched in August 2016.
University of Virginia linguistic anthropologist Mark A. Sicoli and colleagues are applying the latest technology to an ancient mystery: how and when early humans inhabited the New World.
Visual techniques are used to create an awe - inspiring sense of scale at times and the above frame is taken from one of those moments, when Walter Pigeon's reclusive Dr. Edward Morbius takes a young, pre-comedy Leslie Nielsen and Warren Stevens around his compound to show off the ancient technology he has discovered.
But, Mr. TalentLMS - blog - guy, you might ask, why would we want to go back to the ancient days of classroom - based training, when we have all this new online training technology at our disposal?
Based on these and other analyses of monoliths in the area, Brophy's team concluded that the ancient builders of Nabta Playa possessed highly sophisticated astronomical knowledge, the type of knowledge we associate with advanced technology and civilization.Plato (c. 428 - 348 BC) writes of Egyptian masters presenting him with historical records extending back some 19,000 years: «Egypt has recorded and kept eternally the wisdom of the ancient ages, all coming from time immemorial when gods governed the earth in the dawn of civilization.»
While the final girl has provided rich fodder for film theorists, especially regarding her complex reprocessing of gender mores, what often lingers unrecognised is how the final girl improvises new technologies in the interests of survival: the only place in Western culture where there still persist very ancient ideas about technology as a weapon of the weak, and the means of prevailing when defeat appears inevitable — a tendency pushed to its speculative extreme in The Last Girl Scout.
The Nora treat any ancient technology as highly taboo, so when Aloy was found as a baby near an ancient site, the Matriarchs gave her to an exiled warrior named Rost to raise as an outcast in their own territory.
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