Sentences with phrase «ancient thinkers»

De Lubac traces the searchings of ancient thinkers whose restless questioning revealed a sense of divine calling but without the means of interpreting the signs pointing to it.
Many ancient thinkers conceived of the supreme God as far removed from the material world and too pure to have anything directly to do with it.
Supernatural intervention was much less a problem for ancient thinkers than it has become for us, with our conception of the orderly processes of nature; for the race, as for the individual, «heaven lies about us in our infancy.»
Thus, for example, where modern discussions of friendship might emphasize the importance of «self - disclosure as the basis for intimacy and trust between friends,» ancient thinkers simply did not value self - disclosure.
This also seems true of your own work: one of the many ways that all ages are contemporaneous in your new book is that ancient thinkers coexist with modern painters — a quote from Mark Rothko, the homage to Agnes Martin.
I feel a guilty sort of understanding for the Gnostics, those ancient thinkers who were convinced that the corporal, the material, the physical, were somehow less spiritual than the intellectual or spiritual world, declaring that matter is evil.
Which is appropriate, after all, since most of the ancient thinkers who have inspired her work certainly understood that our quest for eudaimonia is profoundly dependent upon the social order in which we live and think.
As we have seen, these ancient thinkers were fully aware of the conflict that perpetually is joined within the human consciousness, our nobler impulses forever struggling against the selfish and bestial in our nature.
All our best achievements, all our highest hopes and aspirations, all that the mind and soul of man has attained or even dreamed, this ancient thinker asserts, is in accord with the deepest nature of things.
It should not strike us as ridiculously anachronistic to make such an attempt, even though it is notoriously dangerous to approach an ancient thinker with modern categories.
We pulled together 20 ideas — articulated by everyone from contemporary leaders and culture - makers to ancient thinkers and timeless scriptures — that will not only help you navigate the challenges of dealing with money, but can also change your view of it.
Without muddying the ancient thinker's herculean intellect, his understanding of the brain was a bit off par.
Traditionally its meaning is twofold; it refers to the ancient thinker's machinations on divinity, as well as his writings in Symposium on homosexual love between two men.
«The gem can not be polished without friction, nor man without trials», the ancient thinker Confucius once wrote of adversity.
SACRAMENTO, California — «The gem can not be polished without friction, nor man without trials», the ancient thinker Confucius once wrote of adversity.
It's the first of a series built around the four elements of classical philosophy (fire, water, air and earth) and the ancient thinkers who expounded on those topics.
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