Sentences with phrase «ancient truths»

In local communities, Hassler suggests, ancient truths abide: words retain their power to save or ruin lives, good and evil can yet be distinguished, people remain accountable for their acts, and sin, penance, and absolution are still valid coin of the realm.
The great revolutions and revelations of the human past, and I include the Christian revelation, have all been great retellings, new ways of narrating ancient truths to encompass a larger world.
Tolle describes ancient truths and applies them to life in the 21st century in a way that is inspiring and comforting.
With the goal of bringing ancient truths into the modern age, Jensen created historically - and mathematically - based compositions.
These are ancient truths in leadership.
(RM) A lesson in taking seriously theological perspectives that have stood the test of time, and in thinking about how these ancient truths can be made relevant to folks who hang around places like Las Vegas.
Though the model of the Church as defending the ancient truths of faith against the attacks of modern atheism may have been the correct model during the years of Communist persecution, the contemporary, post-Communist Czech Church continues to maintain the model in massively changed times.
If he and Voltaire and all the other literary «smugglers» of the same grand, ancient truth are wrong, which I doubt, if there really is no afterlife, nothing, zero, zilch, at least there'll be no more intolerable suffering amond humans or among the sentient creatures we call «beasts.»
Religious fundamentalists see themselves as the champions and faithful guardians of the ancient truths and moral commandments which constitute the essence of their particular faith.
That wisdom comes of suffering, at least for prophets and tragic heroes, is an ancient truth; but is it wisdom to chase after suffering, as though the evil of the day were insufficient?
Profound content interlaced with modern beats: musician and songwriter SEOM sat down to talk with us about his lyrics, ancient truths and what really matters in life.
Perhaps, in their inability to reveal these ancient truths to those who are unwilling to listen.
People call the area they work in, their «farm area», which brings to mind an ancient truth: «He who sows in sorrow, in joy shall surely reap».
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