Sentences with phrase «ancient words»

Many of these skills are obtained once you find ancient words hidden in Nordic dungeons.
As such, the name ABZÛ references a concept from the oldest Mesopotamian mythology: it is the combination of two ancient words Ab, meaning ocean, and Zû, meaning to know.
For example, I have to be creative when I use 1980s basketball strategies or ancient word processing software orzen buddhism to describe our daily behaviors.
A recording of the artist singing the traditional sea shanty «Lowlands Away» under Glasgow's bridges was played through speakers into the exhibiting gallery, conjuring an evocative sense of place and the past calling us back through time with ancient words.
Ancient words by Michelangelo that Roland Vogl, Director of the Codex Center at...
«The name references a concept from the oldest mythologies; it is the combination of the two ancient words AB, meaning ocean, and ZÛ, meaning to know.
They are jumbles of letters, actual words, phrases or ancient words.
Maybe when we give ourselves to ancient words and sacred texts, and embrace routines and traditions, we can remember that we are not here for what we can get out of worship; we are here to give ourselves away in worship.
There are no precedents by which to discern its meaning, hence the readiness of some Christians to apply the ancient words of the prophets to events in our time.
Those ancient words from Luke sound so foreign to our ears, so primitive with their prediction of wars and rumors of wars, of stones upturned, of pestilence and signs from heaven.
Are these ancient words still relevant for our generation, or for our century?
In the ancient words of Tertullian, these professors claim the voice of Athens, but their accent is that of Jerusalem; and like Peter in Pilate's court, their speech betrays them.
Once more an ancient word becomes relevant, «Thou shalt have no other gods before me.»
As the engineer describes the principle of the unity of nature an ancient word takes on new meaning, «The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof.»
Emotionally, I just wasn't up for it... but when I heard the congregation singing «you said the ancient words» I also heard God say very clearly, «ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION.»
I was thinking of my friend, the Rev. Dr. Bill McSwegin, who died and was buried last week, as the congregation sang a hymn that contained the lyrics, «he spoke the ancient words
The occasion is a moment in which the ancient words of Psalm 5:17 become extremely significant: «A broken and contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.»
shuuut up with your blasphemy, only priests of the ancient word would cry blasphemy that word does not mean anything anymore unless you will go and stone the writer to death.
To tell them that their hatred for an enemy cancels out any love they may have for their friends, all based on some ancient words, makes me afraid on several levels: because you base that belief on ancient writings against all evidence that shows that people can actually love one and hate another, and, because your sharing your belief, (while the belief it's self may be admirable) only offers one more unattainable goal for the religious, guilt ridden follower.
«Firriato» comes from an ancient word in the rural villages of western Sicilia.
Mei, the ancient word for smile, goes nicely with the...
Mei, the ancient word for smile, goes nicely with the facial expression used in saying it.
Actually, «kamut» is an ancient word for wheat.
Schole, the ancient word from which our word school derives, literally means «leisure.»
He is an amateur astronomer and member of the Amateur Astronomy Association «Achyrostrata» (named for an ancient word for our galaxy used by local people), based in the Delphi Municipality.
It's an ancient word, one that dates back as far as the year 2011 and King's release of the highly original Bubble Witch Saga, a truly inspiring game so original in its ambition and scope that it was immediately cloned by someone with the ability to travel back in time to 1994 and release it as Puzzle Bobble.
Taking its title from the ancient word and symbol of resistance used for centuries in Greece the film suggests that there is a perennial repetition compulsion in history.
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