Sentences with phrase «anecdotal cases»

There are many anecdotal cases of total life and health transformation on the Whole30 diet.
There is research behind the efficacy of the diet as well as many anecdotal cases.
That isn't a study so much as it is a more heavily examined anecdotal case of a single individual.
Each side can muster enough anecdotal case studies to suggest that both true and false «recovered memories» are at least possible.
«Most of what has been available to women has really been driven by fear: One anecdotal case gets into the news and really sensationalizes the risk of death.»
There have been reported anecdotal cases of severe reactions to anesthesia and even death in Picards.
Empirical studies and some high - profile anecdotal cases have demonstrated a link between suicidal ideation and experiences with bullying victimization or offending.
In addition to anecdotal case studies, some Chinese stem - cell companies bolster their reputations by claiming to have connections with leading politicians and scientists.
practitioners are, of course, leaping into the deep end of the pool before science has truly proved these treatments effective, but there are many anecdotal cases of improvement.
There have been many anecdotal cases of dramatic improvement when the owners feed their EPI dog a raw diet, especially when all else fails.
And you are right, there is not much literature other than anecdotal cases, so common sense and nature must prevail.
In fact, there are anecdotal cases of people losing weight simply by doing a regular deep breathing routine, which calms the nervous system and relaxes the mind and body.
Nevertheless, when you take the anecdotal cases of Wheat Belly dieters losing weight and improving health at face value, it seems that for many people, at least some principles of the Wheat Belly diet are effective.
If you'd like to see an anecdotal case, the London - based author Joanna Penn has responded to the new Author Earnings report by releasing her May 2015 - April 2016 earnings from her many books.
By Sameer Hinduja and Justin W. Patchin Empirical studies and some high - profile anecdotal cases have demonstrated a link between suicidal ideation and experiences with bullying victimization or offending.
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