Sentences with phrase «anesthesia allows»

The use of anesthesia allows us to observe, evaluate, and clean all surfaces of the teeth, probe the gum line for pockets, and obtain x-rays to screen for problems below the gum line.
In addition, anesthesia allows for a better cleaning because your pet is not moving around and risking injury from the dental equipment.
Anesthesia allows the veterinarian to thoroughly examine each tooth individually.
During your pet's visit, he will receive safe anesthesia to help keep him relaxed; anesthesia allows our staff to remove tartar that occurs above the gumline and would be otherwise difficult to reach.
General anesthesia allows for a complete oral examination and assessment of all teeth surfaces and surrounding gingival tissue.
Anesthesia allows the veterinarian to chart the entire mouth, scale all surfaces of the tooth, scale under the gum line, extract (remove) diseased teeth only if necessary as well as clean and polish each tooth.
Anesthesia allows a veterinarian to evaluate the entire mouth, not just the outside of the teeth.
Anesthesia allows us to painlessly evaluate each tooth.
Anesthesia allows us to thoroughly clean all surfaces of all teeth, to clean under the gums, to explore for hidden dental disease and to take dental x-rays.
Having the pet under general anesthesia allows us to perform the most thorough cleaning in the safest manner.
A dental cleaning under anesthesia allows for protection of a pet's airway with endotracheal intubation and packing of the back of the mouth to minimize contamination.
Regional anesthesia allows you to remain conscious so that you can see your newborn immediately after delivery, provided there are no complications.
Advances in veterinary anesthesia allow us to regularly anesthetize pets with significant disease, even organ failure, and these patients can do very well.
Annual dental procedures under general anesthesia allow your veterinarian to visually examine each tooth and use a dental probe around each tooth, in addition to obtaining radiographs to evaluate the tooth structure that can not be seen with the naked eye.

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Destructive discord can overcome anesthesia, allow insights into newer forms of perfection, and provide an impetus for the attainment of higher values.
I use laser because the minimal bleeding that results allows me to treat older children in the office without the need for general anesthesia.
In the rare instance that a c - section is such an emergency that there's no time for your partner to change clothes — or you need general anesthesia, which would knock you out completely — your partner might not be allowed to stay in the operating room with you.
Another type of medication is epidural anesthesia which allows mom to feel only mild to moderate contraction intensity and pressure during labor and childbirth.
To control pain as the anesthesia wears off, you might use a pump that allows you to adjust the dose of intravenous (IV) pain medication.
Obstetrician and anesthesia providers stay on site at the hospital when a woman desiring a VBAC is actively laboring to allow timely emergency cesarean if needed;
This process allows the brain waves to synchronize (brain wave entrainment) which provides our Hypno - mom and Birth Partners to enter hypnosis faster and attain a deeper state of hypnosis called «somnambulism», where Hypno - anesthesia is more easily created and accessed.
A novel measure for assessing the body's response to surgery may allow for better anesthesia management in the O.R., less pain when regaining consciousness from anesthesia and better postoperative outcomes.
According to a study published in the Online First edition of Anesthesiology, the official medical journal of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA), the measure, called the nociception (pain) level index, allowed physicians to more accurately evaluate responses to painful stimulation in patients under general anesthesia, compared to traditional measures.
With further study, the nano - anesthesia technique might allow more potent doses of local anesthetics to be delivered safely during local anesthesia in humans.
The science of anesthesia sits right at the heart of the hard problem — allowing «easy» computational processes to continue while selectively eliminating subjective experience.
Including the STBUR questionnaire in the pre-anesthesia interview serves to raise awareness of potential risks, and allows anesthesia professionals to modify their airway and anesthesia plans toward safer practices.
«For the first time, this allows us to begin the process of designing and synthesizing new anesthetics based on where and how they work rather than on serendipity and sheer dumb luck,» said Neil Harrison, PhD, associate professor of anesthesia and critical care at the University of Chicago and director of the study, which was carried out in collaboration with Adron Harris, PhD, (UC Denver) and colleagues Eric Greenblatt at Pennsylvania and John Mihic, now at Wake Forest University.
Diedre Lyell, MD, an assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Stanford School of Medicine, also tells me that, «General anesthesia can be used (during pregnancy), but a local block may be better if it allows the surgeon to perform the surgery adequately.»
«Once a patient is correctly identified as low risk, she should at minimum be allowed to have a clear liquid diet, especially given the advances in anesthesia and the results from recent studies,» Hippolyte said.
MD, an assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Stanford School of Medicine, also tells me that, «General anesthesia can be used (during pregnancy), but a local block may be better if it allows the surgeon to perform the surgery adequately.»
Brandi and I used a small amount of gas anesthesia along with sedation and a local block to prevent any pain and to allow for quick removal.
An in house profile allows us to find out enough about your pet?s electrolytes, blood proteins, kidney and liver function, as well as the percentage of red cells to better insure your pet?s ability to undergo a smooth anesthesia.
Shadow has been on this for 4 months, he is elderly, and his liver function does not allow anesthesia for a thorough dental cleaning.
In fact, to do this, anesthesia is required to allow the veterinary dentist to probe, assess and thoroughly clean the teeth and gums and then polish the teeth for further protection.
A CT scan provides anatomically accurate, undistorted images while your pet is under anesthesia, which allows our team to provide information for you and treatment for your pet quickly and efficiently in a single procedure.
Our monitoring allows us to closely watch your pets heart rate, blood pressure, respiration rate and oxygen saturation during anesthesia.
However, some imaging may require sedation or even anesthesia because the dog must be kept still to allow for adequate images to be produced.
It allowed me to keep his teeth shiny, white and healthy without anesthesia for 16 years!
This allows us to use very light levels of anesthesia, and it ensures that the patient doesn't feel pain when recovering from their dental procedure.
Anesthesia to allow for thorough, safe dental cleaning.
General anesthesia is required for optimal care; it allows veterinarians or their technicians to obtain radiographs so they can look for problems hidden under the gums and to complete examinations and treatment with dental instruments.
However, some imaging may require sedation or even anesthesia because the cat must be kept still to allow for adequate images to be produced.
After placing a patient under anesthesia a technician performs a complete dental cleaning with an ultrasonic scaler that allows us to efficiently clean the crown of the tooth and most importantly below the gum line.
All patients receiving a general anesthetic will have a breathing (endotracheal) tube placed in order to keep the airway open and allow for supplemental oxygen or gas anesthesia as needed.
If your pet is having a minor surgical procedure we sometimes use local anesthesia to allow us to perform a biopsy, a small mass excision, or suture a small laceration without general anesthesia.
At Animal Care Clinic, we provide SAFE anesthesia, which allows a complete & extensive oral exam, periodontal therapy with the opportunity to cure infection & resolve pain, and a thorough cleaning of every tooth surface.
Also, the decreased pain involved with laser surgery may allow the surgeon to remove small skin tumors using local anesthesia rather than having the pet undergo general anesthesia.
In addition, if there are any adverse reactions under anesthesia, an intravenous catheter allows immediate administration of emergency drugs.
Crown height reduction can often be curative in the beginning stages of dental disease when accompanied by diet correction and other preventive measures.1 — 3 However, in cases of moderate to severe dental disease, crown height reduction procedures will need to be performed repeatedly.1 - 3 Overgrown incisors or cheek teeth should be trimmed using a dental bur or trimming forceps (FIGURE 6A) designed specifically for crown reduction.1 - 3 Nail trimmers, rongeurs, and other manual cutting tools should never be used to perform crown height reduction.2, 3 Root damage, tooth fractures or splinters, and abnormal regrowth are likely to occur when using improper equipment.2, 3 Crown reduction performed without sedation or anesthesia is difficult and often done blindly, resulting in missed sharp points or spurs and injury to the gums, cheeks, or tongue.1 - 3 Rabbits with moderate to severe dental disease should be anesthetized, allowing crown reduction and reshaping to be performed with a low - speed dental bur while protecting soft tissues with bur guards and dental spatulas.1 — 3 (FIGURE 6B)
The endotracheal tube allows controlled respirations if the patient is not breathing well on his or her own, and prevents accidental inhalation of stomach contents if the pet vomits under anesthesia.
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