Sentences with phrase «anesthetized rats»

Next, working with anesthetized rats, they sent direct ionic current into the sciatic nerve in the legs and, using neural recording electrodes, recorded whether this current inhibited the activity of individual or groups of neurons at the spinal cord.
When the team injected varying amounts of the hydrogen sulfide precursor into the penises of anesthetized rats, the rats experienced stronger erections with increasing dosage.
The team anesthetized the rats for about an hour, for ethical reasons, and then injected potassium chloride into each unconscious animal's heart to cause cardiac arrest.
The MNP / Ropiv complexes were injected into the veins (intravenously, or IV) of anesthetized rats.
These were subsequently fed into a part of the paw of an anesthetized rat, and then, with the help of electrodes in the brain and advanced analytical techniques, the researchers were able to measure the reactions in the neuronal networks.

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To solve it, otolaryngologist Ira Sanders and his colleagues at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City anesthetized a group of rats and inserted small digital cameras down their throats to videotape the vocal folds.
Rats were deeply anesthetized with equithesin, and CSF (~ 80 - 150 μl) was collected from the cisterna magna using a glass capillary and subsequently frozen at -80 °C, following an established protocol [33].
Adult female Sprague Dawley rats (3 months old, Harlan) were used in all in vivo spinal cord injury experiments and were anesthetized by injection of a cocktail containing ketamine and xylazine.
Adult Sprague - Dawley male rats (320 — 350 g; n = 6) were anesthetized with isoflurane (1.5 — 2 % maintenance; in room air), placed into a spinal unit apparatus (Stoelting, Wood Dale, IL, USA) and a partial Th12 — L1 laminectomy performed using a dental drill (exposing the dorsal surface of L2 — L5 segments).
Baby rats who were anesthetized with ketamine later exhibited difficulties with learning and memory, as well as behavioral abnormalities.
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