Sentences with phrase «anger at her situation»

You are justified in being frustrated with her attitude and actions, but be sure to direct your anger at the situation and her illness, not at her.
Her anger at her situation comes across in her face.
As previously noted, boys are more likely to act out during the time of divorce, showing their aggression and anger at the situation (Amato and Keith, 1991).

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The theological obtuseness of the Roman court theologians (Cajetan partly excepted), the inability or unwillingness of the Roman authorities to appropriate their own best ecclesiological traditions, and the unlovely influence of financial politics on the handling of the doctrinal issues all played a considerable role, as did Luther's impatience and anger, his inability to take stupid and inappropriate papal teaching at all calmly (perhaps because his own early view of the papal office was unrealistically high), as well as his tendency to dramatize his own situation in apocalyptic terms.
Van Gaal has had plenty of issues hindering his progress this season, but suggesting that expectations are too high at a club such as United will only further anger supporters who will probably believe that they shouldn't have to lower them regardless of the situation.
Although, as a fan myself, I can fully understand the anger at the current situation, I don't agree that Arsene Wenger should be «Hounded Out» of the Club.
Although the frustration and anger has been directed at the club's hierarchy as opposed to the manager for the most part, the Frenchman's inability to improve the situation at Villa Park since his arrival earlier in the season has been disappointing.
Anger is expressed at the one who has taken him or her to a new situation and to the other parent for allowing it to happen.
He just may not know how to properly react to the situation at hand, and so anger is the result.
There is not much outward anger in his feelings so I struggle to know how to deal with the situation as I feel silly saying to him «You are angry» when he shows no signs at all of being angry or upset — he seems to just do it for the fun of it.
API looks at the intersection of parenting and shame, keeping in mind that shame is a normal emotional response to certain social situations, but like anger or disappointment, when unresolved, shame can lead to lifelong difficulties.
Usually the speaker illustrates one of the assertions with a sad or funny dating story that ends either with resignation to single status or with anger at the depressing situation he or she «has to» endure.If you're up for dating fat girls, you need a proper fat dating site.Forget about trying to pick up gals on the streets or in public places.I know some of you have had bad experiences, but the good experiences outweigh those, from what your fellow singletons tell me.
While I understand the ambivalence, frustration and / or outright anger some librarians must feel over the situation — it kind of goes hand - in - hand working with Amazon — there's an unfortunate combination at play here that seems to be an underlying truth of the digital age: «Be careful what you wish for,» and, «If you get in bed with the devil, sooner or later...»
We never get Hiccup angst - ridden or angry at his abandonment, and I welcome that, because while his anger would have been justified given the situation his reaction feels just as natural, and is more in keeping with his character.
He had just left the Chelsea School of Art after an unsatisfactory period as a figurative painter in an institution that overvalued abstract expressionism, and was «thrashing about as an artist» attempting to express his perplexity and anger at the dismal political situation facing the left at the time.
Mendick's new body of work is motivated by an anger at the dangerous situation she found herself in as a child, and the urge to confront the troubling aspects of coming - of - age stories as a genre.
It's ironic that Kenney — not to mention many of his opponents in Premier Notley's NDP government — use the phrase «rule of law» to express their anger at the fact Canada is still a country that abides by the rule of law, as this situation illustrates.
Anger at your negative situation may not pull through for you, but a desire to work in an industry you care deeply about, for instance, can be an incredibly strong pull to keep you moving during your job search process.
• Track record of efficiently recording important signs that incorporate respiration, blood pressure and pulse • Skilled in laying out infection control procedures, aimed at ensuring patient safety and wellbeing • Committed to providing exceptional patient care through well - placed comprehension of patients» needs and ways of helping them handle them • Focused on quality bedside care by assisting with grooming, bathing and toileting needs • Known for diffusing patient anger / frustration by providing psychological counseling through distressing times • Excellent skills in identifying patients» specific medical and emotional needs and helping them come to terms with their situations • Qualified to monitor patients» physical and emotional behavior changes and logging and reporting them in a timely and efficient manner • Hands - on experience in following dedicated plan of care set by nursing managers and physicians • Demonstrated expertise in handling victims of emergencies such as acute sicknesses and accidents
Thus, children at this age living in situation where there is domestic violence can learn detrimental ways of expressing anger and frustration.
During a separation, children will experience feelings of distress and anger at varying degrees according to their age, maturity and family situation.
Anger is expressed at the one who has taken him or her to a new situation and to the other parent for allowing it to happen.
With the help of a therapist, a person who has anger issues may be able to discover what lies at the root of his or her frustration and rage and can potentially identify his or her anger triggers and learn healthy ways to avoid or cope with those situations.
How do you address this situation when Mom at the daughter's home is «hell - bent» on promoting this dis - bond due to Mom's own inability to move on and to continually harbor resentment and anger?
This situation may put them at greater risk for emotional and behavioral problems — e.g., poor school performance, anxiety, uncontrollable anger, and depression.
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