Sentences with phrase «angle of the movement»

The problem with this method is that one needs to know additional parameters, for example the angle of the movement to the line of sight, in order to get a meaningful answer.
You might do this by increasing the angle of the movement, concentrating on the eccentric range of the motion instead of the concentric, adjusting the weight, altering your repetitions or sets or mixing up the tempo of the movement.
It's a term that refers to many aspects of your workout: time under tension, angle of movement, range of motion and many other factors that you should always be aware of because they directly influence your performance and gains.
This means increasing the angle of the movement and concentrating on the eccentric range of the motion instead of the concentric.
For example, if you do biceps curls holding dumbbells, you can curl the weight at a variety of angles just by changing the direction of your palms and the angle of the movement.
All in all, dumbbells are ideal for «fine - tuning» your training — working an underdeveloped side more and for working a muscle differently by changing the angle of the movement.
Every plane of movement and angle of movement must be trained.
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