Sentences with phrase «angry white men»

The attacks have come from angry white men and the supporters are women.
The Christian Science Monitor has noted that Tea Party activists «have been called neo-Klansmen and knuckle - dragging hillbillies», adding that «demonizing tea party activists tends to energize the Democrats» left - of - center base» and that «polls suggest that tea party activists are not only more mainstream than many critics suggest», [178] but that a majority of them are women, not angry white men.
But Rothbard and Rockwell never stuck with their alliances with angry white men on the far right.
old angry white men mad at the rest of the world
«Men are angry at losing their kids in the divorce court and taking their dream of raising them and reducing it to a child support payment and every other weekend,» writes one men's rights blogger quoted in Michael Kimmel's 2013 book Angry White Men.
Hyperallergic characterizes the atmosphere of Nicole Eisenman's portraits of angry white men as «poisoned by a toxic masculinity that is not merely self - destructive but threatens to take us all down.»
Later, Kudlow reiterated his big tent point, saying: «We are not just the party of angry white men, no disrespect intended.»
In his book, Angry White Men, which came out in 2013 but seems even more relevant now, Kimmel surveys the growing rage among neo-Nazis, gamers, right wing talk radio hosts and men's rights activists who define their masculinity and manhood in terms of dominance and power and who believe in their «God - given right» to rule the world.
It's not just the angry white men of the rust belt who will not be ruled by a woman.
In the meantime, McNairy's completed a half - dozen independent pictures, including «Wes and Ella,» «Dragon Day» and «Angry White Man,» and he's working with Vertigo again on the horror flick «A Night in the Woods.»
For his contribution, Gillick overlaid the group's message on top of an original text, titled «A Long Sentence From an Angry White Man
«There are a lot of angry minorities and a lot of angry white men.
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