Sentences with phrase «animal behavior predicts»

Its authors suggest a series of questions that researchers should use in analyzing the evidence that abnormal animal behavior predicts earthquakes.
Its authors suggest a series of questions that researchers should use in analyzing the evidence that abnormal animal behavior predicts earthquakes.

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I hold that it is absurd in principle to think of predicting details of animal behavior (not to mention animal feelings).
They seem to realize, says Pruetz, that fire has a behavior — just like another forest animal — and that its movements can be predicted.
Game theory, the branch of mathematics best known for exploring economics, has for the first time successfully predicted animal behavior in nature.
This neat behavior could mean that the birds possess so - called Theory of Mind — an ability to predict the mental state of another animal (or in other words, to theorize that this other animal has a mind), which is one of the defining traits of humans and closely related primates.
In fact, the Association of Pet Dog Trainers does not allow its members to offer guarantees, since animal behavior can never be fully predicted or controlled.
Researchers hope that by knowing exactly what certain species of animals are up to, they can understand them much more thoroughly - and possibly even predict behavior and reduce human - animal conflicts, revolutionizing the way we interact with and manage wildlife.
Jason Goldman published a great writeup on Thoughtful Animal about Tronick's 1975 experiment, the impact it had in understanding child development, and how it's being used, including to predict child behavior:
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