Sentences with phrase «animal carcasses»

"Animal carcasses" refers to the dead bodies of animals. Full definition
Computer generated decomposing of animal carcasses taps into Darwin's unsettling yet organic vision that all of nature is at war from the smallest to largest predator.
Once Parents Union members began to organize and collectively demand a better school, district officials took action and discovered the dead animal carcasses rotting in the air vents!
«The Revenant» put DiCaprio through the physical ringer — DiCaprio reportedly slept in animal carcasses and ate raw liver as part of the role — and many felt he deserved the Oscar, finally, for this project.
Besides paleofeces, the team has also successfully sequenced DNA from animal carcasses found in Arctic permafrost, including woolly mammoths.
Feral cats that seek shelter in urban areas don't always clean up after eating and leave behind animal carcasses on porches and sidewalks.
The providers of ETFs are much like flies around a rotting animal carcass, they multiply when they sense an opportunity to gather more assets.
Animal Carcasses for more realistic natural feeding.
I figured it wouldn't since wild dogs routinely eat freshly killed small animals and even animal carcasses that are days old.
Prevent your dog from eating animal carcasses, such as rabbits and rodents, which may contain immature tape worms that will mature in your dog
An Australian archaeologist fired replicas of Middle Stone Age projectiles with a crossbow (left) at animal carcasses.
In particular the Liang Bua hobbits used tools to butcher animal carcasses — but no signs of butchery have been found on animal bones in the So'a Basin.
It is transmitted through the exchange of blood or saliva from an infected animal, and very rarely through breathing in the escaping gases from decomposing animal carcasses.
Tracking the monster is all about following the visual cues from the glowing blue footprints to the startled birds» animation to the waypoints that lead to eaten animal carcasses left behind.
For her series Actus Reus, New York City - based artist Tamara Kostianovsky recreated dead animal carcasses out of discarded fabric and clothing, turning the harshness of slaughtered livestock into plush, easier to visually swallow cuts of meat.
She cringes at the sight of two small animal carcasses on the opposite bank, then wades in, steering clear of an eddy of gray scum.
Part of the trouble with accurately charting the evolutionary history of domestic dogs is that animal carcasses do not fossilize very well in some climates (like the tropics), which skews the archaeological record toward those places that do reliably turn up high - quality fossils.
Additionally, although carrion flies mainly home in on large animal carcasses, other invertebrate surveyors could help scientists study different ecosystem layers — for instance, carrion beetles, which feast on smaller carcasses, including those of birds.
Workers who process animal carcasses might soon use a laser scanner to identify contaminated meat.
The slogan «eating like our ancestors ate» can be interpreted in many ways, and even if this slogan would mean eating the same foods (think raw animal carcasses and raw roots etc.), it could be argued that people would be better off than with the consumption of a typical Western diet.
Though the film garnered mostly positive reviews, the film also gained prominence for its difficult production, which involved shooting in near - frigid temperatures during odd hours on account of Iñárritu's use of natural light; DiCaprio slept inside animal carcasses and ate raw bison liver during the shoot as well.
The affable vibe is heightened by the inclusion of a few standout sequences, with the protagonists» efforts to fight a butcher shop full of reanimated animal carcasses standing as a clear highlight.
If your puppy ingests dead wild animal carcasses (such as rodents or rabbits) he could possibly contract the Taenia species of tapeworm.
It's also possible for puppies to get tapeworm after ingesting infected animal carcasses or other insects.
Boned animal carcasses are about 70 % water, whole rodents, about 66 %, dry kibble pet foods about 8 %.
The Franken Prey protocol differs from the original WPD because you feed your pup raw muscle meat and organs and raw meaty bones rather than a whole animal carcass.
Evanger's purchased meat from a dead animal carcass processor — and sold this illegal meat as «human grade» to consumers (even in a pet food claiming «organic»).
Independent plants obtain animal by - product materials, including grease, blood, feathers, offal, and entire animal carcasses, from the following sources: butcher shops, supermarkets, restaurants, fast - food chains, poultry processors, slaughterhouses, farms, ranches, feedlots, and animal shelters.»
In the darkened corners of the covered meat market mangled, unidentifiable animal carcasses hang from jagged hooks, blood congealing on the floor.
The show was a visceral response to the commercial painting that constituted the contemporary art market in China back then: Some of the work contained animal carcasses and, reportedly, human body parts.
Soutine studied traditional still - lifes — careful, elaborate and minutely detailed — at the Louvre and then created visceral, expressionist paintings of tortured animal carcasses, establishing a parallel between the animal and human, beauty and pain.
In his colourful, powerful works, Norbert Tadeusz portrays slaughtered animal carcasses and exposed human bodies.
Whether exhibiting animal carcasses, dead trees, quarried stone, or plaster casts of terrain, the artist continually highlights the timeless, universal shapes and patterns that recur in all organic life.
Nitsch's mingling of paint with blood — which has extended to eviscerating animal carcasses — also seems like something someone was bound to do.
+ Harmful levels of formaldehyde fumes leaked from Damien Hirst's preserved animal carcasses at his 2012 Tate Modern Exhibition, scientists say.
I figured it wouldn't since wild dogs routinely eat freshly killed small animals and even animal carcasses that are days old.
But the numbers of dead and decaying animal carcasses that are strewn throughout or piled up on the property of far too many of these mills, speaks volumes.
The providers of ETFs are much like flies around a rotting animal carcass, they multiply when they sense an opportunity to gather more assets.
Adequate safety precautions must be used for disposing of animal carcasses and tissue specimens; Disposal must be according to federal, state, local, and provincial regulations.
Hominins have been butchering animal carcasses and eating organs (including brains and tongues), marrow, and muscle (meat) for over two and one - half million years.
Another theory is that wild dogs would roll in animal carcasses or the droppings from herbivorous animals, in order to disguise their own smell from prey when hunting.
Condors eat animal carcasses, often containing lead from hunter's bullets.
The 257 - page lawsuit argues that the term «pink slime» is pejorative, preferring the phrase «finely textured lean beef» to describe a product that is essentially scraped from animal carcasses.
The evolving ton also includes more items than ever that simply aren't recyclable, like dirty diapers, animal carcasses, syringes, and plastic bags.
From the hospital courtyard, Cuffy could smell death — animal carcasses rotting in the rubble.

Phrases with «animal carcasses»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z