Sentences with phrase «animal domestication»

"Animal domestication" refers to the process of taming and raising animals for human use, such as for food, labor, or companionship. Full definition
The new information about when turkeys were domesticated helps amplify the bigger picture of animal domestication in Mesoamerica.
They noted that with our reduced jaws, flat faces, and lower male aggression, humans are to chimps as dogs are to wolves, showing many of the physical traits that emerge during animal domestication.
The hunter gatherers of this region began settling down and practicing agriculture and animal domestication as early as seven thousand years ago.
-- No previous study on animal domestication has involved such a careful examination of genetic variation in the wild ancestral species.
An experiment to replay animal domestication by selectively breeding wild silver foxes is lovingly retold, including by the researcher who has kept the project alive for nearly 60 years (SN: 5/13/17, p. 29).
«The story of animal domestication retold: Scientists now think wild animals interbred with domesticated ones until quite recently.»
«Scythian horse breeding unveiled: Lessons for animal domestication
But archaeologists have uncovered precious little evidence that the civilization practiced widespread animal domestication, which might have been needed to sustain such a big population, says Ashley Sharpe, an archaeologist at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama City.
«They suggest that the roots of animal domestication go back to human sedentism thousands of years prior to what has long been considered the dawn of agriculture.»
Based on observations of a group of three young female Somali wild asses at the Saint Louis Zoo, the study provides new insight into the species» social behavior in a captive setting — a relatively good proxy environment for the early phases of wild animal domestication.
The lactase persistence alleles are a classic example of convergence in humans, convergence that results from cultural shifts away from hunting and gathering towards animal domestication.
Park himself supplies the grunts and snorts of Dug's pal Hognob, who is basically Gromit if animal domestication had followed a slightly more porcine path.
Students will delve into the specifics of proper pet care, humane standard of care laws, the history of companion animal domestication, and more.
There are a total of 75 tours to choose from, ranging from the history of mummification and the origins of the pyramids, to the secrets of the Sphinx and more conventional subjects like animal domestication, beer brewing, and religion.
The first known examples of animal domestication occurred in western Asia between 11,000 and 9,500 years ago when goats and sheep were first herded, whereas examples of plant domestication date to 9,000 years ago when wheat, lentils, rye, and barley were first cultivated.
Like dogs, cows, and horses, we show many of the physical traits that emerge during animal domestication.
The genome data set generated in the study also reveals important lessons for the history of horse management, which started some 5,500 years ago, and animal domestication as a whole.
Marshall, a noted expert on animal domestication, considers the research exciting because it shows that settled hunter - gatherers rather than farmers were the first people to transform environmental relations with small mammals.
As part of her otherwise excellent article on the origins of animal domestication (28 May, p 32), Pat Shipman wrote...
The ultimate goal of animal rights is not to improve our treatment of animals, but to end all animal domestication.
Taming the Past: Ancient DNA and the study of animal domestication.
The beginning of agriculture and animal domestication, which began in the Near East before 11,000 years ago, had a tremendous impact on human lifestyle.
Greger Larson and Dorian Fuller / The Evolution of Animal Domestication / The Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 45:115 - 36, 2014
That time range covers much of Europe's Neolithic period, which was characterized by the spread of farming, animal domestication and polished stone tools.
The over-representation detected in our study supports the neural crest as key to animal domestication and to the rise of common domestic traits in independent animal lineages,» concludes Professor Ludovic Orlando.
It turns out that animal domestication is more complex, and the role of natural selection more important than Darwin thought.
And Dr. Ludovic Orlando from the Centre for GeoGenetics at the University of Copenhagen concludes: «Perhaps even more exciting as it represents the hallmark of animal domestication, we identify genes controlling animal behavior and the response to fear.
Her current research interests are the patterns of evolutionary transformations at the early steps of animal domestication.
To test ideas of animal domestication, a bold experiment in Siberia put evolution on a fast track
Study provides earliest evidence of animal domestication and treatment in early Latin America
This discovery provides a significant opportunity not only to enhance our understanding of how miRNAs regulate a variety of biological processes in an important model species for studying human diseases, but can lead to further, similar research into the role that miRNAs play in animal domestication.
«It's clear that the permanent occupation of these settlements had far - reaching consequences for local ecologies, animal domestication and human societies.»
Marshall, an expert on the early origins of animal domestication, has conducted extensive research on the domestication of donkeys.
The origins of animal domestication and husbandry: a major change in the history of humanity and the biosphere
House cats also show none of the typical signs of animal domestication, such as infantilization of facial features, decreased tooth size, and docility.
Going back 12,800 years ago lands us at the origins of agriculture and animal domestication.
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