Sentences with phrase «animal food products»

When creating the formula, scientists also took into consideration the different toxins and chemicals that are often found in animal food products, such as dry pet food and treats.
The price of protein: review of land use and carbon footprints from life cycle assessments of animal food products and their substitutes.
A team of researchers published a study first of its kind in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry in 2008 analyzing the phytoestrogen content of eggs among other animal food products and vegetarian substitutes (10).
A major reason behind this is that until February 1999 there was no organic label for meat and poultry products, whereas food crops and non-meat animal food products have benefited from an organic labelling since 1990.
I agree that the USDA should only use their red slime for only animal food products and not for our kids!
Lappe was aware that meat, cheese, and eggs had a greater biological value than either cereals or legumes because animal food products had an essential amino acid mix that was more complete than the amino acid content in the protein of either cereals or legumes.
The book had an impact on diet recommendations of the American Heart Association and the USDA because grains and legumes do not contain cholesterol and therefore are assumed to be less likely to cause heart disease than the cholesterol in animal food products such as meat, cheese, and eggs.
Although hemp's protein contains all nine essential amino acids, it has particularly low levels of a few of them — including lysine and leucine — and is therefore not considered a complete protein like animal food products are.
Beef knuckles, chicken feet, chicken necks, oxtails, and more or less any other boney animal food product you can obtain — which are often most easily found in Asian and other foreign food markets — are worthwhile bases for the soup.
I am quite conscious about where animal food products come from and I have noticed on the bag that it says «imorted by Nestle Purina Petcare, but it does not say where it is manufactured.
In the Eastern and Oriental churches, fasting meant the abstinence from all food, or at least from all animal food products.
Such positions may become more common and important in the future, especially since large corporations like Burger King are now implementing welfare standards for the animal food products they buy.
Animal food products are the only available, non-supplemental sources of some fatty acids and vitamin B12.
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