Sentences with phrase «animal foods people»

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When preparing to take a photo, the Mate 10 Pro uses artificial intelligence to identify whether it is taking a picture of a person, food, text, animals, or a portrait, and then adjusts the camera's settings to take the best picture of that particular subject.
With the G7, it can recognize 18 different objects and subjects, including a person, flowers, pets, food, sunsets, sunrise, landscapes, cityscapes, babies, animals, beverages, fruit, sky, beaches, snow, people, low light, and «basic» auto mode.
The camera can identify people, food, text, animals, or a portrait.
What it does: E. coli are a large and diverse family of bacteria that normally live in the intestines of people and animals, in the environment, and in certain foods.
Called «Just Mayo,» the product is plant based and, as a result, a viable food option for people who either can't eat animal protein or don't want to.
Vogt is part of what several people jokingly refer to as the Vegan Mafia, a group of wealthy investors whose main motivation is to remove animals from the food system.
Growing crops to feed them to farm animals is vastly inefficient, driving up the price of grains and legumes, and entrenching global poverty; to produce enough food for 9 billion people by 2050, we will need a more efficient system.
The entire economy of the city of Jerusalem was built on temple activities, bathing before the offerings for a fee, dressing for going to the temple, for a fee, buying the offerings, for a fee, paying the priests, temple entrance fees, food prep fees, growing and feeding the animals for the sacrifices, being paid for them, in the thousands and thousands at festival times, ALL in Jewish currency only, which was required for their rituals, and most people used Roman currency for their civil affairs.
@kermit4jc: How the ark could hold the animals and their food is just one of many serious issues any thinking person would have with the ark story.
If people did not raise them for food, there would be far fewer animals in the world.
He gave us dominion over animals; He gave people animals for food and gave us prayers to bless and sanctify what we eat.
For one, a patch of land can provide a full and balanced diet for more people if the people eat the food that grows on it rather than feed the food to an animal and then eat the animal.
The ark was SMALLER than some of today's cruise ships; had to hold MILLIONS of different animals and a YEAR»S SUPPLY of food for millions of animals and 8 people.
At the same time, I encounter a lot of young people who are interested in where their food comes from and what's happening to the animals and the workers who produce the food.
Waqfs were established to furnish trousseaux for orphan girls, for paying the debts of imprisoned or bankrupt businessmen, for clothing for the aged, to help pay village and neighborhood taxes, to help the army and the navy, to found trade guilds, to give land for public markets, to build lighthouses, to help orphans and widows and the destitute, to care for the needs of poor school children and to give them picnics, to pay for the funerals of the poor, to provide holiday gifts for poor families, to build seaside cottages for holidays for the people, to distribute ice - cold water during the summer, to create public playing fields, to distribute rice to birds, and to give food and water to animals.
People keep thinking their beloved gun rights (in the way they interpret the Cont * itution) impact society the same way today as they did when people were doing a lot more hunting for food, defending themselves from animals, defending themselves in places where law had not yet been establPeople keep thinking their beloved gun rights (in the way they interpret the Cont * itution) impact society the same way today as they did when people were doing a lot more hunting for food, defending themselves from animals, defending themselves in places where law had not yet been establpeople were doing a lot more hunting for food, defending themselves from animals, defending themselves in places where law had not yet been established.
The ark could not have contained more than a very small proportion of the animal life on the globe, to say nothing of the food needed for them, nor could eight people have attended to their wants, nor apart from a constant miracle could the very different conditions they required in order to live at all have been supplied.
How can you logically believe that Noah and his family managed to fit two of every animal on Earth (and the food to keep them all alive, not to mention how did they deal with all the poo from the thousands of animals, also... the travel necessary to accomplish such an illogical feat could not have been accomplished in one lifetime, even with today's travel technnology) in an ark that was 300 cubits x 50 cubits x 30 cubits (450 ft x 75 ft x 45 ft) and also believe that the 8 people that survived the «global flood» on the ark repopulated the planet?
Last week Dan and I attempted a «week of eating justly,» in which I vowed to know exactly where all the food we purchased came from in order to ensure that no people or animals were exploited in the process.
However, Cox also likened indoor farming to the factory farming of animals, which people have said is «the industrialization of food production that's not necessary.»
I think the Weston Price Foundation is putting out amazing information on nutrition and health and educating people on how non-industrial societies live in optimal health on animal based foods in a current environment that blames chronic conditions on those same foods.
The appeal and potential for vegan products is expanding beyond a reasonably small but growing group of people who avoid animal products for ethical reasons to include the much larger base of consumers seeking healthier, cleaner foods.
Dr. Brian Wansink, a food psychologist at Cornell University and author of Slim by Design: Mindless Eating Solutions for Everyday Life, says, «People who are attracted to meat - shaped veggie foods are vegetarian for health reasons, not animal - rights reasons, and they're the biggest growing part of that market.»
re: «People live in Alaska on a predominantly animal based diet and research has shown them to be quite healthy with almost no plant foods
That's why sprouting is beneficial for people like vegetarians who are low in iron or zinc (which are both more abundant in animal - based foods).
Pumpkin pie, like enchiladas, BBQ, and meatloaf, is one of the foods that people think that they'll have to give up if they stop eating animal products.
I have to say, it is good to be surrounded by compassionate, animal - loving, food loving people!
In hot climates, particularly in the West Indies, and in some parts of Spanish America, the Capsicum is eaten both with animal and vegetable food in large quantities, and it enters so abundantly into their sauces, that to a person unaccustomed to eat them, their taste is intolerably hot.
Exactly, I feel like the moral motivation that vegan have makes them ignore the fact that animal food has also healing properties and is in many cases much more suitable to people with gastro intestinal issues as leaky gut.
Unlike food animals which are «produced» on farms, such as cows and pigs, kangaroos are shot in the bush by people ranging from recreational to professional hunters, free of any oversight or scrutiny.
Our food choices affect the whole planet, animals AND people.
It makes me so sad when people claim that vegans / vegetarians care more about animals than people, because making good food choices affects humanity just as much as it does the animals... by the way, that bowl looks divine!
When you take into account the toll industrialized animal agriculture is having on the environment, animals, and people's health, a shift to plant - based foods is needed to save the planet.
Sure, some people might say that if you try to recreate a vegan version of every animal product based food there is, that is not innovative.
«Eating Better wants to encourage a culture where we place greater value on the food we eat, the animals that provide it and the people who produce it,» she added.
There is little doubt that we eat more animal products than is good for our health and the environment, so it's great to encourage a meat free day, and show people how versatile and satisfying vegetarian food can be.»
Lewis also commented that as long as waste food is fit for human consumption he would much prefer it to go to people than into animal feed or fuel.
In a world where nearly one billion people are starving, one third of all cereal crops — and well over 90 per cent of soya — goes into animal feed, not food for humans.
«Nutritionists, political economists and epidemiologists at Oxford will study how animal foods affect health and the environment and they will then work with Sainsbury's to present those findings in ways people can understand,» said Sarah Molton, head of Our Planet, Our Health.
Yet it is the supermarkets and processed food companies that present food to us as something that should be cheap, plentiful and industrial - devoid of any connection with the earth, sun, animals, plants and people who produce it.
(Yes, I am one of those people who awkwardly lurks around watching others eat their vegan food, and then gleefully points out the lack of animal products after they say that it's good).
At QAI we are passionate about food, people, animals and the planet.
According to EPA's food recovery hierarchy using food to feed hungry people is preferred over recovering it to feed animals and both of those are preferred over composting.
A: As part of our broad commitment to reducing hunger globally, we have long worked to reduce food waste in our processes, capturing instead to feed people in need, and when that is not appropriate, ensuring it is used for animal feed.
Everyone has their path and dietary choices that are right for them, I am sure that the huge mumber of vegan food on my omni blog has encouraged some people to cut down on their animal products, or try eating a different plant based protein.
Since animal - based foods are generally seen as the primary source of protein, people often don't understand how to meet these needs as a vegetarian.
We're trying to grow food that is fair to soil, water, air, plants, animals, and people, and we're doing it through connectedness.
The more people change their diet, the more public perception to food will change in general and the knock - on effect is that ever increasing animal - free options become available in supermarkets and eateries.
And when people like me say we need to pay more for food to be fair to producers and chain workers and animals, what about those who can't even afford the food when it's not fair to the rest?
Reducing waste at source, channeling excess food to hungry people, using it for animal feed, employing it for other industrial uses and composting were preferable to landfill, she said.
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