Sentences with phrase «animal organism»

The phrase "animal organism" refers to a living thing that is an animal. It includes any creature that is not a plant or a human. Full definition
At the molecular level, memory processes in animal organisms such as fruit flies and mice are similar to those in humans.
Once again we must recognize the extreme range of experiences that can belong to dominant occasions of animal organisms.
Consider, for example, what may be the case with some very low - grade animal organism.
Rather, he uses the term «empty space» to designate a state of affairs which we do recognize most easily in the apparent void beyond Earth's atmosphere, but which occurs also within animal organisms.
To be an Atheist is (for me anyway) to put whatever hope one has into the progress of humanity, that we are animal organisms capable of civilization, growth and learning.
In short, he finds coercion to be inefficient in dealing with animal organisms.
Ontologically speaking, the dominant occasion of experience is not different from the other occasions of experience with which it jointly constitutes the psychophysical animal organism.
Whitehead calls it the presiding or dominant occasion of a complex animal organism.
The social philosopher Eugen Rosenstock - Huessy wrote: «Man as an animal organism lives forward from birth toward death, but, as a soul who knows beforehand that he will die, he molds his life looking backward from the end.»
Beginning with the conviction that the inanimate world of subatomic particles and molecules described by physics and chemistry constitutes the basic construction material of the plant, the animal organism and the human brain, many scientific thinkers have questioned the «reality» of any other realm than that accessible to physics and chemistry.
Whitehead did not speculate on the precise location of memory within the animal organism, but the most plausible extension of his theory suggests rather that memories are maintained for the soul by other occasions, thereby freeing the soul for its adventure into novelty.2 The way in which the conscious ego draws upon the ocean of unconscious feeling which sustains it may well reflect the way the soul draws upon other living occasions.
Of all the occasions in the animal organism, only the dominant occasion enjoys consciousness.
Similarly, the aims for most living occasions include no (or few) hybrid prehensions, whereas the aim for a dominant occasion in an animal organism is heavily weighted toward hybrid prehensions of past dominant occasions, which in the case of higher organisms jointly constitute the soul or living person.
In the one case a human being originates from an animal organism, in the other biological creatures which are already human beings procreate a human being.
These would provide a peculiarly favorable environment for that most mental of all occasions, the dominant occasion of the animal organism.
In the identifying of the soul, the emphasis has been placed upon the special connectedness of the successive dominant occasions in the animal organism.
Wherever there is evidence of some centralized dominance in the animal organism, he assumes that a dominant occasion is present; and to whatever degree such dominant occasions have significant serial order, they jointly constitute a soul.
The analogy of a living animal organism might be helpful here.
· Knowledge of plant and animal organisms, their tissues, cells, functions, interdependencies, and interactions with each other and the environment.
Anti-fouling paint of the thick variety is normally applied as a coating for the hulls of old ships and is particular in that it seals out plant and animal organisms to the point of eliminating every possible form of life.
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