Sentences with phrase «animals die on»

«Animals die on the landscape, they get buried, and rivers meander around and erode and rebury remains.
The Department of Transportation has said that 24 animals died on U.S. - based flights last year and 18 of those were on United flights.
In 2017, 18 animals died on United, three - fourths of all such deaths on U.S. airlines.
The terms «natural» and «unassisted» death are used in the context of an animal dying on its own time, while under care.
When an animal died on the side of the road she would bury it and create a kind of grave for it, and that grave would reflect the physical characteristics or the spirit of that creature.

Not exact matches

These measures also suggest Americans are more likely to die from gun violence than the combined risks of drowning, fire and smoke, stabbing, choking on food, airplane crashes, animal attacks, and forces of nature.
In his famous book, «The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money,» Keynes writes, «a large proportion of our positive activities depend on spontaneous optimism rather than on a mathematical expectation, whether moral or hedonistic or economic... if the animal spirits are dimmed and the spontaneous optimism falters, leaving us to depend on nothing but a mathematical expectation, enterprise will fade and die; though fears of loss may have a basis no more reasonable than hopes of profit had before.»
VICTORIA — The proposed Distressed Animals Act would help prevent animals from suffering or dying in vehicles without adequate ventilation, says New Democratic spokesperson on local government Selina RoAnimals Act would help prevent animals from suffering or dying in vehicles without adequate ventilation, says New Democratic spokesperson on local government Selina Roanimals from suffering or dying in vehicles without adequate ventilation, says New Democratic spokesperson on local government Selina Robinson.
There would be a mass die off of animals once the ark landed because most of the animals feed on others, and with only two of which, the prey would be annihilated very quickly, and the predatory then would starve.
God, heaven, whatever... man's attempt to live forever because we refuse to settle for the idea we are an animal species on this one planet, and when we die, it all ends.
trying to avoid being eaten makes animals move, the ones that are faster or smarter live to pass on their genetics... the others die out.
It was cold and raining and I was in a bad mood because the womanhood project requires that I grow out my hair, which is thick and unruly and frizzy in the rain, and so just five months into the project it looks as though a small animal has died on my head.
We are to model our lives after Christ, the Son of God, who though he was God's very equal, came to earth, was born in an animal's feeding stall and died on a cross.
I am prtty sure that every single animal that has ever lived on Earth quickly realized that without water it would die.
For Evolution... Lungs never would have had to develop unless the animal was already on land, in which case, they would die before reproducing.
It's a greater fantasy NOT to believe that there is an all powerful invisible god somewhere in the universe who knows everything, can do anything, hears everyone's thoughts, etc, or that someone died and rose from the dead three days later (this same person was born of a virgin), or that someone spoke to god via a burning bush, or that one old man, who lived to be 900 years old, built a boat that held two of every animal on the earth to survive a worldwide flood?
One can reach a point in which it makes sense to remind one's grandma on Christmas Eve that «the fate of human beings is like that of the animals; the same fate awaits them both: As one dies, so dies the other.
And as I have also said a few moments ago, man is the only animal, so far as we know, who is aware of his mortality and who may therefore meditate on the fact that he dies.
next, in order to make identification easier, these subhumans should be required to wear an identification badge on their clothing, say a pink triangle... If society is going to feed these animals they should be put to productive work in their compounds, a cheerful slogan would help to keep up their morale... say» work will make you free»... Finally I disagree with the good pastor regarding the time it would take for this subculture to die out... God gave us brains for a reason... I believe there exists a chemical, zyklon b or some such that would be helpful in this regard...
Fire and ash (and a girl's burned stuffed animal) rain on Walt as a result of his letting Jane die.
(Gen. 7:21) «And all flesh died that moved on the earth, birds, domestic animals, wild animals, all swarming creatures that swarm on the earth, and ALL HUMAN BEINGS»
As ancient man surveyed his world, he found himself surrounded on all sides with movement and change, not only in fellow - humans, animals and birds, but in running water, scudding clouds, heavenly bodies traveling across the sky, rising dust - storms, the occasionally quaking earth and the vegetation which sprang up, flowered, fruited and died.
When Jesus died on the cross, he became the ultimate sacrifice making the killing of animals and sheep and whatever unnecessary.
We are grateful that, for over a century, no animal has died on Hiltl's behalf and that Meat Free Monday supports us in showing the world the power and positivity of a veggie lifestyle.»
Animals suffer and die at sea: Regulations require that pregnant cows are provided with additional space and bedding, but these animals received no special care, as they should not have been on this shAnimals suffer and die at sea: Regulations require that pregnant cows are provided with additional space and bedding, but these animals received no special care, as they should not have been on this shanimals received no special care, as they should not have been on this shipment.
Every year thousands of animals die of illness, injury, starvation, and heat stress on board ships that can turn into «floating ovens».
Over the years, more than 3 million Australian animals have died, often horrifically, on these death ships.
It comes after shocking revelations that almost 2,500 Australian sheep died from heat stress on board a ship bound for the Middle East last August, and animals being mistreated in a Qatari abattoir.
If animals transported within Australia died in the numbers that they do on live export ships, cruelty charges could be laid.
This side argues that domestic cats are not efficient killers, and that since the animals preyed on are often underweight or sick and would die soon anyway, cats are sweeping up Darwinian surpluses that would otherwise have us knee - deep in goldcrests in a decade.
Thousands of people die from adverse effects of medicines that have been tested on animals.
Animals die or move on.
The result is the denuding of wild populations and a vast recycling of mistreated animals, most of which are likely die on one of their ersatz flights to freedom.
Horner and his experienced colleagues — a structural geologist; a stratigrapher; a taphonomist (one who studies what happens to animals after they die); paleontologists specializing in vertebrate, mammalian, plant, and mollusk fossils; a molecular paleontologist; and an expert on paleomagnetism — are surveying all the fauna and flora that existed during the Hell Creek period (and that survived as fossils), the ways they interacted, and how they may have evolved.
The first sea - floor lab to test the effects of CO2 (top) on deep - sea animals didn't kill these caged eelpouts and an octopus, but sea urchins died and their spines dissolved (bottom, before and after
Following the asteroid hit, most of the plants and animals would have died, so the survivors probably fed on insects eating dead plants and animals.
The fungus therefore lives on, even after more sensitive animals like the fire salamander have already long died.
Live fast, die young, might also explain the age - defying effects of caloric restriction, assuming that the metabolism of an animal on a starvation diet becomes more efficient, so producing fewer free radicals.
Human and animal hair on the platform — which is uphill from the body's final resting place — are «inconsistent with the disaster theory that the Iceman died where he was found,» the authors write.
As lions feasted on the dying animals or their carcasses, ticks «jumped ship» and latched onto the lions, he says.
Because figs are the only trees to bear fruit during the dry season, many animals on Barro Colorado would die if the fig trees weren't there, Nason maintains.
Seven of the study animals died of renal failure, beginning on March 2, five days after the testing started.
Dolly died on February 14, 2003, at age six from a lung infection common among animals who are not given access to the outdoors.
The animal died from the shock, but not before cutting power to the $ 7 billion particle collider just as it was gearing up to collect more data on the Higgs boson.
During later feedings, fewer ticks latch on to resistant animals, and parasites that do attach sup less blood and sometimes even die.
On the other side, the loss of differences between mammal species in the extinction might indicate that animals with restricted diets died out while the generalists survived to uphold the mammalian legacy.
«We don't know how this animal died,» University of Michigan paleontologist Daniel Fisher, a co-author of the paper on the Cerutti Mastodon site, remarked to Seeker.
Crystal infected baby toads in the laboratory, and found that the lungworm was devastating for the tiny animals - about 30 % died, and the remainder grew more slowly, moved more slowly, and so on.
Don't take pills, eat more veg... 15.04.2014 Animal study: cranberries are an anti-aging drug 19.03.2014 Polyphenols in food extend life expectancy 08.02.2014 Six things you can do to if you want to live to a hundred 13.01.2014 More magnesium, longer life expectancy 27.12.2013 Magnesium - rich diet reduces mortality risk 10.11.2013 Tour de France cyclists live six years longer 19.10.2013 EGCG protects liver and kidneys, and extends life expectancy 04.08.2013 Sedentary lifestyle causes body to deteriorate faster 30.06.2013 More exercise improves quality of life on all fronts 28.06.2013 Positive emotions extend life expectancy by ten years 13.06.2013 Your word use reveals the age you are likely to reach 11.05.2013 Positive view of life after retirement extends life expectancy 29.04.2013 No fear in the face of aging extends life expectancy 23.04.2013 Sleep less and you're more likely to die 03.04.2013 Better health = more sex 15.02.2013 Glaucarubinone extends life expectancy and boosts metabolism 19.01.2013 Animal study: L - theanine extends life expectancy 21.12.2012 Child that still needs you lengthens your life expectancy 05.12.2012 Alpha - carotene: the life elixir in carrots 30.10.2012 Live longer with Horny Goat Weed 27.10.2012 The more muscle you have the longer you live 01.10.2012 Caffeine and paracetamol are longevity drugs 28.09.2012 Animal study: epicatechin from cacao extends life expectancy 18.07.2012 Join Greenpeace and double your chance of good health 15.07.2012 Coffee reduces mortality risk — but effect is minimal 01.07.2012 Dean Ornish diet makes your cells younger 17.06.2012 Vitamin S prolongs your life 16.06.2012 Combined effect of not smoking, healthy eating and exercise is tremendous 13.06.2012
The experiment carried on for two years, in fact, but they stopped adminstering aflatoxin at six months for the simple reason that half the animals on the low - protein diet had died.
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