Sentences with phrase «annual affiliation fees»

All provisional HFA sites are required to pay annual affiliation fees to the HFA National Office.
Some unions wanted to argue instead that an annual affiliation fee could be paid if someone had been given a choice, but did not actively reject making the payment and instead left the form blank.

Not exact matches

In San Francisco, You can try which is the Golden Gate Mother's Group — $ 55 annual membership fee gets you a monthly newsletter, invitation to monthly meetings (with speakers), playgroup affiliation, LARGE email group for advice / info, discounts to certain area venues (SF Zoo discounted membership / museums), holiday parties, tons of area activities for parents / kids / families, etc...
Additionally, every HFA program is responsible for payment of an Annual Fee once affiliation is granted.
Out of an annual income in the range # 27m - # 30m, the affiliation fees constitute about 27 % of income — a very significant proportion, but even if they fell sharply in a year, the party could still meet its minimum annual debt repayment and servicing costs.
A requirement to opt into paying affiliation fees would greatly reduce the amount of union cash given to the party on an annual basis, rather than in one - off donations.
Others charge monthly or annual technology fees as a price of affiliation.
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