Sentences with phrase «annual harvest»

The phrase "annual harvest" refers to the process of collecting or picking crops or produce from a field or farm once a year. It is when farmers gather the fruits, vegetables, or grains that are ready to be harvested during the specific time of the year. Full definition
When the cost of energy is low, low return annual harvest systems make sense.
Analysing data for US annual harvests of corn, soybeans and wheat, the study finds that yields were approximately 2 %, 4 % and 4 % lower, respectively, in «warm» Arctic years compared to «cold» years.
Global consumption of avocados, now a $ 3 billion industry, has doubled in the last decade, and a third of the 3.8 million tonne annual harvest is currently traded internationally, according to data from the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations.
The Staten Island firm's annual harvest almost doubled between 2013 and 2016, when the speaker showered its clients with public funds, as revealed by the New York Post and Daily News, and when one of its lobbyists joined her staff, as Crain's reported.
Total annual harvest recently has been about 20 million pounds of fluke per year, split 60 - 40 percent between commercial and recreational fishers.
The annals of green chemistry are full of crazy, fascinating stories, like a plan to turn the unmarketable potatoes from Maine's annual harvest into biodegradable plastics.
After a century of global warming the moose population reached an all time high with annual harvests increasing 20? fold to 200,000.
To meet these needs at today's level while at the same time meeting a 20 percent bioenergy target in 2050, humanity would need to at least double the world's annual harvest of plant material in all its forms.
We'll always need a fair amount of annual harvest systems, our staple carbohydrate food stuffs are generally produced from them.
Fisheries minister Norman Moore has imposed new restrictions on the rock lobster industry in a bid to halve the annual harvest from its long - term average of 11,000 tonnes to 5,500 tonnes.
It takes more than 15,000 Christmas - tree farms to produce that annual harvest, most of them small, family - owned businesses with longstanding ties to their land.
The city has hundreds of acres of parkland, and Winsor is home to an annual harvest fair which includes a parade, concerts, and a hot air balloon festival.
The normal Jewish daily prayer thanked God for the annual harvest, not for the daily or weekly handout.
During his annual harvest festival, thousands of chile lovers descend on his farm.
In Kalocsa, the annual harvest is celebrated with a paprika festival in September.
Grape Harvest Yields 30 % to 40 % Below 3 Year Average in Napa With Napas earliest harvest on record expected to finish up next week, the Napa Valley Grapegrowers held their annual harvest press conference at Cliff Lede Vineyards in Yountville this morning to reflect on the growing season and look ahead...
I may start baking again with this recipe and I have two Blood Oranges left from my annual harvest, a fitting tribute to my favorite fruit.
The state's annual harvest of the BB - sized berries (90 million pounds of super-powered superfood) shows up in everything from buckles to booze (try Sweetgrass Farm's Back River gin in your next G&T).
WASHINGTON, D.C., October 30, 2005 - When the Idaho Potato Commission (IPC) announced its decision to help sponsor the 30th Annual Marine Corps Marathon (MCM) as part of its annual harvest celebration program, little did it know that one of its own would go the next step (literally, mile after mile) and actually run it!
Proceeds go directly to City Fruit to support their annual harvest!
2007 September - The worst floods for more than 30 years cause widespread devastation, destroying much of the annual harvest.
There, farmers developed even fatter domestic breeds, which were then carried back to North America — ultimately leading to the turkeys that now are a mainstay of our annual harvest feast.
However, these levels of production would require the annual harvesting of 500 million dry tonnes (550 million dry tons) of biomass and an increase in coal extraction in the United States by 50 % over current levels, resulting in a range of potential environmental impacts on land, water, air, and human health — including increased CO2 emissions to the atmosphere from coal - to - liquid fuels unless process CO2 from liquid - fuel production plants is captured and stored geologically.
For over 35 years I have carefully stocked our pantry with only clean & nutritious foods, cooked our meals from scratch, and «put up» our annual harvest so that home grown food is available year round.
Demeter taught mortals the secrets of agriculture, and is the one who determines how bountiful the annual harvest is.
But instead of speeding up their annual harvest, the visionary inventor gets the colony in trouble with a group of bullying grasshoppers.
The city has hundreds of acres of parkland, and Winsor is home to an annual harvest fair which includes a parade, concerts, and a hot air balloon festival.
Twenty years later, @theicala presents the world premiere of «Truffle Hunt» (1998/2018) that incorporates a comprehensive collection of media and ephemera of a road trip to Italy to find truffles at the annual harvest.
This is a quick update to note that Japan has temporarily halted plans to kill up to 50 humpback whales as part of its annual harvest of hundreds of whales from several species in Antarctic waters.
Annual harvests four decades ago were upwards of 700,000 bushels.
«This is the equivalent of three to five times the annual harvest of marine capture fisheries in the world.»
Wider bioenergy targets — such as a goal for bioenergy to meet 20 percent of the world's total energy demand by 2050 — would require humanity to at least double the world's annual harvest of plant material in all its forms.
Estimates of moose populations have traditionally been based on hunters» harvest and in Scandinavia, the annual harvest was less than 10,000 in the early 1900s.
The annual harvest is used as feedstock for local village - scale charcoal retorts (thus minimizing haulage energy needs) with simple fairly efficient retorts converting about 67 % of the wood's carbon to charcoal, with the rest mostly going into hot hydrocarbon gasses that hold around 28 % of the wood's energy potential.
With cornstalks as tall as telephone poles and mutant kohlrabi, this annual harvest festival in Port Elgin, Ontario, is a celebration of the harvest on a scale you've never seen before.
As the only country to still allow sport hunting of polar bears, the Canadian government is facing increasing pressure, notably from the U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife, to ban the annual harvest.
If you have a cheap energy to drive an annual harvest, you can get more out of given area, over time.
The city has hundreds of acres of parkland, and Winsor is home to an annual harvest fair which includes a parade, concerts, and a hot air balloon festival.
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