Sentences with phrase «annual heartworm»

The phrase "annual heartworm" refers to a type of infection that affects dogs and sometimes cats. Heartworms are parasites that live in a dog or cat's heart and blood vessels. The term "annual" means that it is something that happens once a year. So, "annual heartworm" means that it is a disease that can occur in pets every year if they are not protected. It is important to provide preventative medication to keep pets safe from heartworm infection. Full definition
We also recommend annual heartworm testing for all dogs.
In addition, we recommend annual heartworm testing for all dogs.
Any pet who receives the annual vaccinations, preventative physical exams, annual heartworm prevention and diagnostic testing becomes a member for one year.
I've always been curious why annual heartworm testing is needed if you give the monthly preventative.
Q - Why do you recommend annual heartworm testing even if my pet is on a monthly preventative?
This is part of the reason most veterinarians recommend annual heartworm testing.
For more infomation on the benefits and importance of annual heartworm tests, download this great handout from the American Heartworm Society's website.
Parasite protection is also very important, including annual heartworm and intestinal parasite tests.
We recommend routine annual heartworm screening (a simple blood test) for all of our dog patients, and monthly heartworm prevention for all of our dog and cat patients (and ferrets too!).
Regular veterinary care with annual heartworm testing and properly administered heartworm preventives is the key to success.
In order to ensure your pet's saftey, our clinic requires annual heartworm testing in order to continue refilling your preventative medication.
Why do I need a semi annual heartworm test when my pet has never missed a dose?
[20] Annual heartworm testing is highly recommended for pet owners who choose to use minimal dosing schedules.
The American Heartworm Society recommends year - round protection for all pets, as well as annual heartworm testing.
Annual heartworm blood tests and monthly heartworm and flea and tick preventive help keep parasites off and out of your dog.
While pet numbers in the U.S. are increasing, the number of annual heartworm preventive doses sold in the U.S. is declining.
We also recommend annual heartworm detection and the use of heartworm preventatives year round.
The «Think 12» campaign goal is to keep annual heartworm testing and 12 - month prevention top of mind.
All patients must have a current annual doctor's exam on file in order to receive any prescriptions and that all heartworm preventatives require a current annual heartworm test on file.
The PMC plan comes with additional values for members including discounts on select annual heartworm, flea and tick preventatives *.
So why do veterinarians suggest annual heartworm tests?
Annual heartworm screening can detect infections early, before the cardiopulmonary system has been damaged due to the presence of heartworms within the heart and the blood vessels of the lungs.
The American Heartworm Society recommends annual heartworm testing for all dogs.
Annual heartworm testing for dogs is very important, even if you are giving heartworm preventative every month of the year.
Annual heartworm and intestinal parasite checks should be next on the list, followed by control of external parasites on the pet and in the home.
«We urge owners to ensure their pets get regular veterinary care, which includes an annual heartworm test and prescription of a heartworm preventative.»
Coming up on Sunday May 6th we will be hosting our annual Heartworm Clinic from 9 am - 1 pm.
** For heartworm preventatives, an annual heartworm test must be completed with a negative result.
For this reason, annual heartworm testing is required to refill your pet's heartworm prevention.
Annual heartworm testing gives owners piece of mind knowing that their pet is free of heartworms.
Annual heartworm testing is required for purchase of heartworm prevention.
Annual heartworm testing is recommended even if you are giving a monthly heartworm preventative because, although heartworm preventatives are very effective, no medication is 100 % effective and there is still a chance that pets can become infected.
For many pet owners, annual heartworm testing is a must, as well as monthly heartworm medication.
The annual heartworm test is a blood test that also only takes 15 minutes to run.
All dogs should have annual heartworm tests and be on a preventative program.
These services are just as important as vaccinations and annual heartworm / lyme tests.
If you have any questions about heartworm or need to schedule your dog in for their annual heartworm test, please call us at 416-767-5817
This test is part of the annual heartworm test.
If your dog's annual heartworm test comes back positive it means that your dog became infected with heartworm in the previous warm season.
This is convenient to do at the time of the annual heartworm test, but can be done at any time of year.
There is a test kit your veterinarian can use in the clinic that will test for Lyme disease, Anaplasmosis, and Ehrlichia at the same time your dog gets its annual heartworm test.
A semi-annual physical exam at our hospital, together with an annual heartworm test, an internal parasite screen and a comprehensive vaccination program, are the best ways to keep your dog healthy.
Your vet will probably also recommend an annual heartworm test.
«In addition to year - round prevention, the American Heartworm Society recommends an annual heartworm test for all dogs, regardless of where they live or whether they are on preventive,» says Andrea Sanchez, Senior Manager of Veterinary Policies and Standards for Banfield Pet Hospital.
Many clients question the need for annual heartworm testing, particularly if their dog is on year - round prevention.
Since prevention is not 100 % we recommend an annual heartworm test, as part of your dog's regular checkup, which allows early detection of the disease before symptoms have been noticed.
When clients ask me if they can skip their dogs» annual heartworm test, I remind them that a year is too long to have heartworms.
As a member of the AHS board, I strongly support its tenets of year - round heartworm prevention and annual heartworm testing, as well as the AHS guidelines for heartworm treatment.
The American Heartworm Society recommends annual heartworm testing for all dogs, regardless of where they live.
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