Sentences with phrase «annual tax revenue»

The proposed $ 36 - billion project would be the largest private - sector investment in Canadian history and is expected to bring substantial economic benefits, including up to $ 2.5 billion in annual tax revenue for all levels of government and nearly $ 3 billion in annual contributions to Canada's GDP.
Using that information and applying it to Ontario's 5,697 MW of contracted capacity, suggests annual tax revenue for municipalities would be $ 91 million.
It's all part of California's plan to eventually collect an estimated $ 1 billion in annual tax revenue from the legal adult - use marijuana industry.
That was $ 91 million below the target set in the revised financial plan issued by Governor Cuomo's Division of the Budget (DOB) in mid-summer — which, based on weak first quarter performance, already had made a $ 600 million a year downward adjustment in projected annual tax revenues through 2020.
The state is to get a total of $ 151 million in one - time licensing fees from the developers of the casinos that have been approved and, presumably, over $ 250 million in annual tax revenue once the casinos begin operating.
3 billion livres, to be exact, while annual tax revenues were 145 million livres.
According to Secor - KPMG, in ten years, the development of the wind industry in Quebec has led to $ 10 billion in investments, an annual wealth generation of $ 473 million and annual tax revenues of $ 75 million to the Quebec government.
Senate Republicans in Albany are hoping to legalize mixed martial arts (MMA) in the state for what they believe could be millions of dollars in annual tax revenue.
Legal recreational marijuana sales kicked off in California in January, giving a boost to cannabis company stocks while promising a massive industry in the state that could bring in $ 1 billion in annual tax revenue.
The government's plan to reduce the small business tax rate to 9 % means Ottawa is foregoing $ 5 billion in annual tax revenue, according to Lanthier, and that other taxpayers will have to bear those costs.
Hanging on the answer are several billion - dollar economic questions, the biggest of which is ownership of the North Sea oilfields and their associated $ 19 billion in annual tax revenue.
Critics say the program doesn't guarantee enough affordable housing and foregoes around $ 1 billion in annual tax revenue.
The study by Archstone Consulting estimates WIGS would generate $ 71 million in annual tax revenue and 7,600 net new jobs over the next five years in wineries and related industries, the retail sector and the wholesale and distribution sector by opening additional markets and opportunities for the NYS wineries, grape growers and small businesses.
Caesars Entertainment Corp., meanwhile, submitted an application for an $ 880 million resort in Woodbury, a project the company estimates will bring $ 230 million in annual tax revenue.
De Blasio announced a $ 15 million allocation to the city's fashion companies at the «MADE Fashion Week» kickoff party, boasting the industry employs 180,000 New Yorkers, pays $ 11 billion in wages and generates close to $ 2 billion in annual tax revenue.
Regional assessment of the data by the Fair Elections Coalition for New York campaign demonstrates that offshore tax havens cost New York State $ 2.4 billion in annual tax revenues.
The Disney Land resort alone contributes nearly five billion dollars a year to the local economy, as well as about $ 250.000,000.00 in annual tax revenue to the local government.
To keep this in perspective, the official U.S. Treasury debt held by the public is $ 9.1 trillion, and annual tax revenues are $ 2.2 trillion.
The Disney Land resort alone contributes nearly five billion dollars a year to the local economy, as well as about $ 250.000,000.00 in annual tax revenue to the local government.
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