Sentences with phrase «annual tour»

Then you absolutely can't miss the Dog Film Festival, stopping in Chicago on September 11 as part of its first annual tour across the country.
DOLE SPONSORS 3rd ANNUAL TOUR DE FRESH Fresh produce provider sponsors July 26 - 28 cycling event as part of Get Up and -LSB-...]
The Cannon Beach History Center and Museum's annual tour showcases the vintage cottages, beautiful gardens and dream homes of the town along with a weekend - long series of events including concerts, a wine tasting, a luncheon lecture and English style garden tea.
This organised annual tour allows you to explore all the corners of the Iberostar Punta Cana resort without having to stay there.
This month the historic site is calling on artists from around the United States to propose projects that would take over cell blocks and prison corners for the next annual tour season (roughly March through November of 2013).
Since then the annual tour has increased to include about 100 performances on the tour to cities from San Juan to Calgary, and from New York to California, traveling with two simultaneously touring companies of forty dancers each.
We also decided on our annual tour where we get to relax as friends.»
Ripened and confident after a year among the pundits, Herman Hickman this season sets forth on his annual tour of the football fields with a solid record behind him.
Instead, they visit the state's 62 counties (Schumer makes it an annual tour) for specific public events, or to draw attention to issues in those counties.
The Master Gardeners are trained volunteers who provide the public with gardening programs and activities that include their annual tour of the Mohonk Mountain House gardens.
He is just one of the veterans that the Liberty Foundation, which has brought the Madras Maiden to Buffalo, works to honor in their annual tour of U.S. cities.
Historic Pullman House Tour October 7 - 8, 2017 Pullman Neighborhood For one weekend, residents in the historic Pullman neighborhood open their doors to the public for this annual tour, where attendees can peek beyond the beautiful facades to see inside grand mansions, workers» cottages and unique apartment buildings.
«It's a great lineup of classics and forgotten titles,» said Eddie Muller, founder and president of the San Francisco - based Film Noir Foundation, which presents the annual touring festival.
Consisting mainly of contemporary works, with the odd anniversary screening and classic to enrichen the mix, this annual Touring Programme offers the...
The event has already been running in North America for 10 years and the annual tour across US and Canada typically attracts over 1000 teachers.
This year, for the eighth time since 2004, Costa Rica was chosen as one of the six stops on this annual tour.
Turner Prize - winning artist Elizabeth Price has been selected by the Whitechapel Gallery for Artists» Film International, an annual touring programme of film, video and animation chosen by 15 partner organisations from around the world.
New York — based art dealer Adrian Rosenfeld and PR virtuoso Brian Phillips had organized the meeting as part of Los Angeles Art Weekend, an annual tour for out - of - town critics, curators, dealers, and artists.
The Japan Foundation has hosted an annual touring film programme since 2004.
It has been a very busy week for the Turner Prize winning video artist Elizabeth Price who has not only won the # 60,000 Contemporary Art Society (CAS) Award, but has also been selected by the Whitechapel Gallery for Artists» Film International, an annual touring programme of film, video and animation chosen by 15 partner organisations -LSB-...]
It has been a very busy week for the Turner Prize winning video artist Elizabeth Price who has not only won the # 60,000 Contemporary Art Society (CAS) Award, but has also been selected by the Whitechapel Gallery for Artists» Film International, an annual touring programme of film, video and animation chosen by 15 partner organisations from around the world.
The current exhibition programme is comprised of our annual touring exhibitions Jerwood Drawing Prize, Jerwood Painting Fellowships and Jerwood Makers Open, all of which are open submission, Jerwood Encounters, our series of one - off, curated exhibitions that do not currently tour and the Jerwood / Film and Video Umbrella Awards, a nominated commissioning programme for moving image artists.
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